Pilates Basic Preliminary Alternative - Video Download

Pilates Basic Preliminary Alternative - Video Download
Price: $19.97

Pilates Basic Preliminary Alternative - Video Download Product Description:

Here is a video that you'll definitely want to strengthen your body for worship dance (or any physical activity)! The benefits are wonderful and numerous. To name a few:

  • "The controlled breathing purifies the body, reduces stress and builds endurance.

  • Core strength is one of the most important benefits of doing Pilates exercise, because all movement emanates from the core. If the core is strong, the appendages can move without undue stress on the spine.

  • A strong core also helps to improve balance and coordination.

  • Pilates helps to strengthen opposing muscle groups. This leads to overall improved flexibility. The whole body functions more efficiently.

  • Pilate's exercises also improve kinesthetic awareness, which helps a person to know where their body is in space.

  • Spatial awareness and core control help to improve the performance of everyday activities, prevent injuries and facilitate rehabilitation." 1

Part 1 shows Lynn coaching one of her students through the 18 basic exercises. These are the most basic introductory moves to give you a solid foundation with proper technique. Let Lynn be your own personal trainer by doing this express workout 3-4x/week!

Part 2 shows Lynn demonstrating the proper form and modifications of the same 18 exercises. She breaks it down, shows the do's and don'ts as well as proper breathing and body alignment. Be sure to watch part 2 a couple of times before attempting part 1. Lynn calls this section Preliminary Pilates (Form & Modifications) and refers to it in the beginning of the video/DVD and in the beginning of part 2.

This entire 52-minute video is a beginner routine that will establish you with a "firm" foundation. Order your copy today and start feeling great!

People who like this, also love the Stretch And Adoration video, to improve flexibility.

The music played on this video may be found in the music section of this book store. Be sure to get Breath of Life CD. You'll love it!

Also, get Pilates I Alternative - The next level workout!


Simply go through the normal ordering process. When you get your email receipt, there will be a red link that will say, "Download Now." Just click on that and the M4v video file will be downloaded to your computer (in your download folder). Save that email. It may be in your junk box. Please note these files will not directly download into an iPad, tablet or mobile device. Please read if you are downloading products: DOWNLOAD DIRECTIONS

1. Pilates The Fundamentals Workbook - NDEITA a National Fitness Training Assoc. - 5955 Golden Valley Rd. Minneapolis, MN 55422 

Product Reviews - 4.9/5 from 239 reviews Write A Review

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1 5 out of 5 stars by EbonyP on February 28th 2025

Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week

Pros: I loved the video and i loved how Pastor Lynn demonstrated and taught each exercise and made it easier to learn. I also loved the workouts because with doing them 3-4 times a week it could help me improve my flexibility and core. In the video she also taught how breathing while performing the workouts is very important & how to breathe correctly.

2 4 out of 5 stars by Kanika on February 15th 2025

Good pilates foundation

Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year

Pros: This product gives good introductory breath and posture training and really brings someone new to pilates inti a good understanding and where to start.

3 5 out of 5 stars by SylviaG on February 12th 2025

Review Pilates DVD Download

Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year

Pros: I truly enjoyed watching the ‘Preliminary Pilates’ DVD. Plan to use it as part of my at home fitness regimen. I love how in the beginning it gives you an obtainable breakdown of each exercise with clear instructions. There are a lot of directions in the instructions, but if you focus on the directions, you’ll be done before you know it. Part ll of this DVD enhances Part l by going over your form, also some modifications if needed. The ‘Form and Modifications’ section was presented in a way that gave life to Part l. By correcting your form and changing an exercise to suit what’s best for you, makes you feel like everything in the DVD is doable. Pastor Lynn highly encourages you to practice with the ‘Preliminary Pilates’ many times before attempting a more advance Pilates DVD. I have extensive experience in teaching Aerobics and I completely agree. In fact, if you actually do each exercise in this DVD, you will feel as if it you had an advance workout.

Cons: The CON is that I wish I could do this every day at the same intensity...but I am working on it!

4 4 out of 5 stars by B.G. Andrews on February 7th 2025

Great for the beginner Pilates enthusiast!

Length of ownership: more than 1 year

Pros: In this vidoe Ps. Lyn Hayden presents basic pilates exercises for dancers to strengthen, stretch and condition core muscles and the spine. She demonstrates safe form and modifications for different fitness levels within a typical pilates format. Great for the beginner Pilates enthusiast.

5 5 out of 5 stars by C. Edwards on February 21st 2024


Pros: This video is a great resource for beginner Pilates learners because it offers a variety of exercises, and it includes modifications for those who may need support or additional extensions to challenge themselves.

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