God and I Dance Product Description:
Are you in need of fresh new choreography for your ministry event? Do you desire step by step instruction for a dance ministry presentation? This praise dance instructional DVD is for you! DVD contains: - Complete step by step instruction of the choreography from the rear with mirror view. - Complete step by step instruction of the choreography from the front. - Complete choreography shown in entirety. Click Here to watch a clip. Runtime: 41:46  About the Instructor Deborah Bell has been in dance arts ministry for 20 years as a dance arts leader, instructor, educator, mentor and choreographer. She has conducted workshops in Utah, California and Washington D. C. In her home town of Boise she conducts an annual praise dance conference with participants traveling from Utah, California and Washington State. She is the founder/director of the worship arts ministry God and I Dance Praise Dance Ministry, as well as the dance arts ministry leader of her local church. “One of my biggest joys is to minister using dance. I am ecstatic to express my love for God in this way!”. “ Let them praise the name of the Lord: for His name alone is excellent; His glory is above the earth and heaven Psalm 148:13 Shipping Information: These will come directly from the instructor (not from the DFH shipping office). It will be shipped and arrive separately from any other DFH products you order. Since they will not be coming through the DFH shipping office, the instructor will choose what shipping method they will use. It may take longer than normal because they will be coming from an individual (not a company). Please allow at least 24-48 hours for processing. While most of the time, they ship them right away, please allow for unexpected delay. You may also purchase Dancing For Him DVD's, books and music in the same order, but know that they may arrive separately and possibly with different shipping methods. Also, because others' products are in the store, does not mean anyone at DFH has tried on, used, read, approved of, or watched any of the others' products. Thanks and blessings! |