Awakening Passion - Video Download

Awakening Passion - Video Download
Price: $19.97

Awakening Passion - Video Download Product Description:

  • Have you always wondered about the scriptural and ministerial validity behind dance and flag use?
  • Have you wondered how dance could be a vehicle through which God's ministry and message can flow?

Then you need this video. Please read on...

After teaching an arts conference, Pastor Lynn spoke, demonstrated a prophetic dance, and ministered to the congregation utilizing flags. During that Sunday morning service, many people were touched by God while the arts were being used.

DFH has just edited and produced this message on video. The message is entitled, "Awaken Passion To Fulfill Your Destiny."  After this brief message that includes the validity of utilizing flags and dance in ministry, Pastor Lynn ministers to some of the congregation with a prophetic dance. Then, to visually clarify the teaching about flags, she includes the congregation in a time of ministry using flags.

This video will definitely help you with your understanding about flags and dance in ministry. It is great for pastors, leaders, dancers and worshippers to gain a deeper knowledge about artistic ministry. Get yours today!

People who like this also like "Called To Dance" video as well as the "Prophetic Dance" Book and/or "Prophetic Dance" video. Check these out in their respective sections.

Here's a brief clip:

Running Time ~ 44 Minutes

The music in this video is from the "Fit For A King" CD with JoAnn McFatter. You may do a Google search to find it. 


Simply go through the normal ordering process. When you get your email receipt, there will be a red link that will say, "Download Now." Just click on that and the M4v video file will be downloaded to your computer (in your download folder). Save that email. It may be in your junk box. Please note these files will not directly download into an iPad, tablet or mobile device. Please read if you are downloading products:  DOWNLOAD DIRECTIONS

Product Reviews - 4.9/5 from 204 reviews Write A Review

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1 5 out of 5 stars by C.Edwards on July 16th 2024

Heartfelt Worship and Breakthrough Teaching

Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month

Pros: I was really blessed by the teaching and activation at the end. Powerful teaching on the wave offering and God's love that will minister freedom and healing.

2 5 out of 5 stars by Chantal on June 30th 2022

Lovely Video!

Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year

Pros: So glad Pastor Lynn listened to the Lord and shared her story in the video about letting go of bitterness, really helpful! Great to see Worship Dance ministering the Lord's fruits of the Spirit and healing to people's hearts! Praise the Lord!

3 5 out of 5 stars by Sondra S on June 30th 2022

Beautiful Flag Ministry

Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year

Pros: “Awakening Passion” gives one the opportunity to see how beautiful flags are in ministry, very touching and moving display.

4 5 out of 5 stars by L. Riley Belle on June 29th 2022

Extremely Powerful!

Length of ownership: more than 1 year

Pros: I truly sensed God’s power through technology during the Ministry of Flags.

5 5 out of 5 stars by CCalhoun on June 21st 2022

a joy and pleasure to watch

Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year

Pros: This video was such a joy and pleasure to watch. I loved the definition Pastor Lynn gave for Activations, which is to “learn by doing!” How true! The brief ‘color theory’ she gave for the symbolism and uses of color in ministry (flags, banners, streamers, costumes, etc.) was a very effective opening to the teaching. I always love fire tunnels in services, so extra the use of flags and dance during the ministry time/illustration was lovely and powerful.

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