Fantastic Ministry dance team resource
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This Product truly outlines the things that you can come up against during the leading or participating in a dance ministry. It provides a truly Spirit led manner to overcome and grow together as you work to accomplish the common goal of Glorifying Him
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: I absolutely loved this dvd just simply because of how much information is in it. This DVD is packed with so much advice and tips on how to run a successful dance ministry. It also gives a thoroughly explanation on each chapter of her book Team Terrificus.
Awesone, and Amazing
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: REVIEW CALLED TO DANCE DVD – DOWNLOAD This DVD really inspiring. You may think you have a good handle on understanding ‘The Fruit of The Spirit’, but as you listen and ponder over what is being said, you quickly realize that it is profound. The organization of the DVD made it easy to follow, understand, and remember. You can relate to the different situations, think about the ‘Fruit of The Spirit’, and clearly understand the solutions. They are very practical. Pastor Lynn lays everything out beautifully. Q & A section is such a nice touch. You can feel, hear, and see the ‘Fruit of The Spirit’ in Pastor Lynn. Watching others perform the dance Holy, Holy, Holy, was breath taking. Then she explained how it was created. DVD was totally amazing.
Cons: None
Plethora of Dance Team Ministry Tips
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: I was blessed by Pastor Lynn Hayden’s tips for worship dance team ministries growth ( for both leaders and members), application of the fruit of the spirit, maturing and dance team concepts for all levels of dance (beginner, intermediate and advanced).
Calling All Dance Leaders - Excellent Information!
Pros: I can't say enough how important it is to watch this video and read her book "Team Terrificus " if you are thinking about starting a dance ministry. Such a wealth of God ordained information! Enjoy!!
All Leaders Should Watch This
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This was a great video full of practical wisdom for those who aspire to dance.
Super Helpful Video!
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: This is a great video! Pastor Lynn shares about the Team Terrificus Book, and about how she became called to dance for the Lord. It was extremely helpful to hear about her journey. She also shares a lot of wonderful advice. There is also a lovely dance at the end called "Holy, Holy, Holy"
A valuable voice of experience!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: An excellent resource for team building based on the 9 Fruits of the Spirit. You can’t beat advice from someone who has been there and done that.
Cons: I wasn’t there to ask more questions!
Awesome DVD!!
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: Called to Dance was an awesome DVD filled with helpful dance tips & nuggets of wisdom that will help any dancer or dance team. If you're wanting to grow as a dancer, this DVD is for you!
Cons: None
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: Called to Dance is a peek into the life of Pastor Lynn; she is a gifted speaker who can laugh at herself. This DVD helps you understand if you are truly “Called to Dance” for the Lord.
Length of ownership: 0-1 day
Pros: In depth review of Pastor Lynn's book Team Terrificus. With a powerful Q&A of her dance ministry testimony.
needed for a thriving and healthy dance ministry
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: Called To Dance DVD is a broad-spectrum, comprehensive overview of the behind-the scenes labor, the specialized needs, and unique tools needed for a thriving and healthy dance ministry. It covers these topics not only from the perspective of the group’s leadership, but also as it pertains to the group’s members. I would highly recommend this DVD for anyone in dance ministry.
Cons: none
Inspiring Video
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: This is a wonderful practical video about one’s calling to dance
Calling All Leaders!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Called to Dance explains your spiritual call and role in leadership as it pertains to the dance ministry. Pastor Lynn provides truthful and candid look as a dance minister.
Cons: None!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Wonderful advice to work in team and how to know if you are called to dance ministry.
Cons: None
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This DVD is so insightful. Great for anyone who feels called to lead teams.
Cons: None.
A magnificent video!
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: This video is wonderful resource to own! It is great for someone who is trying to start a dance team! I wish I had this resource years ago! I love how it was full of scriptures about the fruit of the Holy Spirit that each dancer and leader should have. The question and answer session at the end was very helpful too! Loved the dance included at the end!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This DVD is so uplifting! It answers a lot of questions in regards to dance ministry that many people do not talk about. I suggest purchasing the book "Team Terifficus" which can also be found on this site. The two go hand in hand and are such a blessing!
Full of Wisdom download
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: I gained a lot of Godly wisdom and advice through this download in leading and being a dance leader to a dance team.
Holy Spirit filled
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This book is profound in its' teachings. The concepts outlined are very detailed and helpful. The teachings in this book are very enlightening. I learned a lot from it and it has given me a better understanding of doing ministry in the prophetic arts.
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: Wonderful one on one with Pastor Lynn as she shares her heart and journey.
Wonderful Video!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This video really blessed me. There was alot of valuable information provided and insights on the fruit of the Spirit and how we are to interact with one another!
A must for every team
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Wow! This DVD is a must for everyone hoping to serve God well together in dance team. The choreography in the DVD is mind opening for me. I learned that the same choreography can look so different in different formations of the dance group and it is beautiful.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Pastor Lynn does an amazing job of sharing the fruits of the spirit and character that is best fr the worship dancer! I highly recommend this for dance teams!
Packed with Excellent Information!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Whether you're just getting started in worship dance ministry or you've been doing it for years, you will find helpful tips and information in this DVD that you can apply to your ministry. I was able to use one of Pastor Lynn's tips from this DVD at dance practice with the team that I lead the very same evening after I had watched the DVD. Thank you Pastor Lynn for sharing your years of wisdom and experience.
Great Overview on Dance Ministry!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Pastor Lynn Hayden’s Called to Dance DVD provides a great overview of how to know if you are called to be a worship dancer and how develop and maintain a Christian Worship Dance Ministry. She addresses common team problems by showing how the fruit of the Spirt can help lead to team harmony and a spirit of excellence.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Excellent resource for dance leaders!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Excellent resource for dance leaders!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Very informative for team building.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Absolutely love the way Pastor Lynn has combined the fruits of the Spirit with team building and team leadership.
Great advice, very helpful!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I really like the video!!! It is so full of good advice and of personell experience from Lynn. I was really touched by the first part of the video, where Lynn talks about the book Team Terrificus, and how to lead a danceteam. I think that all the topics discussed apply to all kinds of teams in general. Lynn talks about how important it is, to set rules and regulations for the dance team, so that you can profit from her experiences and form your own danceteam.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is an excellent DVD gives tools and discipline for ministry. Also cause self-reflection.
Called to Dance!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This DVD adds to the book, Team Terrificus and explains more about what is or should be expected as a dance team or solo praise dancer. This is a help and great reminder for me as I move forward to start my own dance team.
Called to Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Full of wisdom and a great tool for worship leaders.
The best DVD
Pros: Absolutely the best DVD, full of wisdom and tips to whole team.
Helpful Leadership Insight!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: If you have been called or set in as a dance leader, this dvd teaching along with the book "Team Terrificus" is exactly what you need. In these teachings, she addresses issues and gives answers that almost all dance teams around the world face!
Quite Resourceful!!
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: If you need reassurance that you are truly walking in your "Calling" then this is the DVD you need to look at! It will help you really find yourself as you begin to ask yourself if you are or not exemplifying the fruits of the Spirit
Excellent Resource
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Easy to understand and full of wisdom and practical advice
Cons: none
Eye opening!!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This DVD is very eye opening for anyone who feels like they are called to dance for the Lord. It reviews different tips and techniques in regards to dance ministry teams, dance practices, choreography, costuming, leaders, etc. A must have!
Called to Dance - Video
Pros: This Video is excellent for those called to dance, dance leaders and dance team members. It is full of wisdom, understanding, tips and techniques. A must have!.
source Eye opening, greatof encouragement!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: I found this product to be a great source for which to gain knowledge on good team dynamics. It focused on subjects that I have been dealing with as leader of my church dance team.
Cons: None
A Great DVD!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: it was a good Segway to the book revealing the info and nuggets inside it and made me want to jump into the book. The part of the DVD that really stuck out to me was about the choreography and the musical piece and allowing others to use what you have produced and put out there, because it all belongs to the Lord anyway. It was good and eye opening.
A Must Have DVD!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This DVD Called to Dance is a very good DVD for both beginners and established dancers. Pastor Lynn talked about her journey and how Dancing For Him started from a Prophesy and how she had to exercise her faith to start this wonderful blessed dance ministry. This is a must have DVD it's pack with a lot of wisdom that can help you along the way. She also talked about the do's and the don't's for your ministry. You must get this for your library.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is where it all starts and Pastor Lynn shares the foundation of her beginnings but also provides how to really be a vessel after God's own heart (as she is)and how to be and stay effective in ministering to God's people.
A must have!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: PAstor Lynn shared her experience and wisdom along with dos and don’t goes along with the team terrifficis book. A must have to learn how to begin in your dance worship ministry .
Cons: None
Called o Dance - Video Download
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: I was wowed by this video!! I read the book but when I watched the video it made everything more clear/Alive. Pastor Lynn's experience and stories were just fun to listen to. You can't have the book without the video.
Great dance foundation
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: In this DVD Called to Dance Pastor Lynn has laid a foundation for a dance ministry. The first step It covers is to seek the heart of God to be sure He is calling you to be a dance minister or a dance leader, and then proceed to give you a biblical foundation as a dancer or as a dance leader
I am called to dance!!!!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: In this video, Pastor Lynn presents attributes that are vital to team building and spiritual growth as dance ministers. I have found some of the teachings applicable to music ministry. I would recommend this book to anyone involved with the praise and worship portion of the church service.
Great Teaching DVD!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Pastor Lynn shares her wisdom, dance experiecne, do's and don'ts in this instruction and teaching DVD.. The knowledge she shares from the book Team Terrificus and from the questions and answers section are invaluable. If you are new to starting a praise dance ministry or have been involved in a dance minstry for a while this DVD will be a help to you.
Called to Dance Video
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: The Called to Dance DVD is a DVD in which Lynn Hayden shares her journey to becoming the Minister of Dance that she is today, I found this DVD to be very enlightening as she shares her years of wisdom and knowledge gained during her journey. The question and answer section of this DVD is invaluable for anyone who is currently a dance leader as well as those who are looking to become a dance leader. This DVD is filled with so much useful information and I am glad that it is a part my own personal DVD collection in which I can look to time and time again.
Called to Dance
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: I loved this DVD. I learned so much about what not to do and so many things that if i had watched it before my first dance I could have saved myself some heartache.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Lynn M. Hayden has taken her many years of experience in dance to bring forth the DVD Called To Dance. I have such great respect and admiration for how she has organized this teaching tool using universal questions and needs from students and dance ministry leaders as well as combining the Fruit of The Holy Spirit. Amust have in your library!
A 'Must" for all Worship Dancers!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is a great resource whether you're new to praise dance or a seasoned praise dancer. And if you're a leader of a praise dance ministry, this is a MUST HAVE resource for you! I have been a dance ministry leader off and on for the past 12 years and I definitely gleaned a few nuggets of basic principles to help me with the team I lead now. As an added bonus, you get to hear Pastor Lynn's personal testimony of how she started and developed a dance ministry!
Cons: none
Great for Team Building!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: "Called to Dance" is an excellent resource video for team building. Pastor Lynn talks about basic principles that are often overlooked in building a dance ministry. Very candid and easy to implement facts for anyone in any church. Check it out!
Cons: none
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is a very practical, simple, and brief application of spiritual growth principles that will help build a strong dance ministry. Also included is an inspiring testimony of being called to dance that in itself is worth the investment in this product. Here is inspiration for anyone to do miracles by the power of God.
Pros: You get to know how Pastor Lynn's started her remarkable journey. Its also enriched with tips and knowledge for dance ministers from her experience.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This dvd started with a brief review of the Team Terrificus book, which I reiterate is a great read. Pastor Lynn details how she was called to dance and so we get to know her better. She explained many good things we need to know about dance including what wear and different types of dances.
Called to Dance DVD
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: In this DVD, Pastor Lynn Hayden shares her personal experience in starting, developing, and leading a worship dance ministry. A "must" for all worship dancers!
Called To Dance - Video Download
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: What fruit of the Spirit does a person on the team need? You can use the Team Terrificus book to calibrate your team so that everyone is on the same page and moving in the right direction. Awesome complement to the Team Terrificus book.
Cons: None
Called to Dance - Video Download
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This video will confirm if you are called to dance. You will also learn about some of Pastor Lynn's dancing history. Great information.
Called to Dance - Video Download
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This video will confirm if you are called to dance. You will also learn about some of Pastor Lynn's dancing history. Great information.
Called to Dance
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: In this DVD Pastor Lynn shares some of her personnel stories. This is an intimate DVD and allows you to understand who she is and how she got started. Pastor Lynn also shares ideas about a dance team.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: If you are feeling a call to dance this will help you to know if you are called and then give you an understanding as to what to do next! Great information!
“Amazingly Personal and Practical”
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I thoroughly enjoyed the Called to Dance DVD as it was like sitting and having coffee with Lynn as she shared her personal life experiences dancing, leading dance teams, how she came to know Jesus and how Holy Spirit led her to where she is today. I feel this DVD is extremely helpful for anyone who wants to participate in a dance team at their church or for those called to lead a team or ministry in or outside the confines of a church. It's a bonus to have the Team dance at the end of the Video. This DVD is a wealth of information coming from years of experience.
Called to Dance DVD
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: This is an excellent DVD which will probably be one of frequent reference for a dance minister
called to dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Called to dance is a must see for anyone who has the call upon their life to dance, it will bless you.
Called to Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This video download is an absolute must for anyone who wants to worship the Lord with their dance. You don't have to be on a dance team to reap the benefits of this product. It is filled with such wisdom and is very inspirational!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: The incredible life story of Lynn Hayden is captured in the Called to Dance DVD. It will make you appreciate her accomplishments and love for the Lord. There is so much more covered in this DVD: the Fruit of the Spirit, how to dress, how to start a group and an actual dance is demonstrated.
Called To Dance - Video Download
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: Pastor Lynn has a great wealth of wisdom as to how a dance team can be brought together in unity through proper structure. Thank you Pastor Lynn for sharing what you have learned over the past 50 years so we don't have to reinvent the wheel. This way we can begin a dance ministry on the right foot, with purpose and excellence.
Goldmine of Nuggets of Truth
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: It's truly a blessing when you can learn and grow from the experiences of another!!! And this DVD (along with the book Team Terrificus) allows both experienced and inexperienced dancers and leaders to gleam tremendous nuggets of truth and knowledge from someone “who has been there before”. This is definitely to be shared with others who are “called to dance”.
Good resource for dance leaders.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This DVD provides great vision and practical tips and strategies for dance leaders for effectively running a Christian worship dance team.
Heartfelt Encouragement
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I enjoyed watching the Called to Dance! First Pastor Lynn talks about her book, Team Terrificus and shares many practical tips that she has learned over the years leading dance teams. Next she tells her personal story of how she felt "called to dance" , which was encouraging to me in my new calling to dance. The last part of the video she shows and explains a simple worship dance, which I plan on using with a dance team sometime.
An intimate discussion
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: The Called to Dance DVD is a companion to the book Team Terrifcus. Pastor Lynn Hayden reads pertinent excerpts from her book and then discusses the topics. It is a blessing of insight to hear her talking informally about her experiences and how she came to write this book in answer to the years of questions presented to her by so many dancers and leaders in various stages of worship dance ministry. Her counsel is wise and assuring founded on the Word and her own experience.
Called to dance review
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: Many great tips were covered in the DVD for building a great team in a supportive church setting. I wholeheartedly agree that in an ideal world every practice would include prayer, Bible study, Worship and a time of ministry. The Dance, Dance, Dance book has a wealth of scripture to fuel the Bible study portion. I loved seeing my team break up into groups to take a dance-related verse and put movements to it to make it come alive for the rest of the team.
Answers without having Asked!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I got answers without having to ask them. Don't be surprised if Pastor Lynn answers your specific questions too!
Cons: none
Great teaching!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is a great teaching of how to demonstrate the fruit of the spirit while operating as a team. This DVD goes hand and hand with the Team Terrificus book.
Called to Dance DVD download
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I love this video!! I like the way Pastor Lynn covers the fruits of the spirit and how it relates to dealing with issues that will arise while having a team or just being a part of one. I really enjoyed the question and answer section of the video. There are so many topics covered in the questions and answer section. I particularly liked hearing Pastor Lynn talk about her past experience and how the Dancing For Him Ministries came to be. I really enjoyed the dance at the end of the video. I would recommend this video to anyone!!!
Cons: None
called to dance
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: A must get dvd along with the TEAM TERRIFICUS book for any dance ministry leader or team member .Pastor lynn's personal experiences and comments are a living testimony for whoever is in dance leadership.I'll be watching and studying the info on this dvd together with the other team members. thank you , Pastor Lynn
called to dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This teaching is bigger than what the natural eye can see. It will reveal somethings for you to develope your to dance and give you the understanding to equip you for your ministry with confidence
Cons: none
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: his is a great partner up with the book or download of team terrificus. So make sure you get both when considering this DVD or download. Agian this is vital to have for any group no matter the level your in great resource.
Higher Ministry!
Pros: In the Called to dance video, many things are discussed that can help ministries be more fruitful thru first living out the fruits of the spirit and applying the tips suggested to make our ministries better. One other great thing about the video is you actually learn a dance! Awesome awesome video to invest your time and money in!
Called to Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Have you felt like dancing while worshipping Lord? This is a great DVD where pastor Lynn shares her heart of her dance journey. Q &A section for common issues of praise dance ministries is also provided. This is a 'must have' for all dance worshipers!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This product is AMAZING Lynn Hayden takes you through the fruit of the spirit and how it coincides with dance. Alone with this product I would say that you should get the book Team Terrificus the 2 go hand in hand.
Called to Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Pastor Lynn highlights her book Team Terrificus and that is helpful to hear her heart that have shephered hundreds of women over the decades. But I found her testimony in the Q and A portion after that to be the most helpful. It seems to weave together the points she makes earlier in the video by answering some of the practical questions that people like me who have very little dance ministry experience have for all leaders.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: What a dvd, this dvd is for anyone who is interested in growth in your ministry. Anyone called to the dance ministry, grab this dvd and share it!
Called to Dance
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This is a two part DVD that expresses tips and techniques about the team dynamic. The author, Pastor Lynn Hayden provides fruit of the Spirit and scripture support from her "Team Terrificus" book and an easy choreographed dance to the song "Holy, Holy." If you believe you are called to dance, you should get this DVD.
Comprehensive Teaching on the Dance Minister's Calling
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This DVD explains many facets of being called by God to the ministry of dance. It is power-packed full of Lynn Hayden's decades of wisdom and experience. I especially liked the valuable questions and answers at the end. A joyful and thorough presentation!
Cons: None
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Wow, great moment of revelation for our dance ministry. We all need structure. This video download it is exactly what we need to change with small actions and have a better guideline for our members. Also, Pastor Lynn answers to the most common questions in dance ministry. It is a great resources.
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: really loved the dvd, so many answers to deal with team issue in a Christ like way.
Called to Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I like this video because it give us the opportunity to know Pastor Lynn Testimony and give a lot of good suggestions
A great manual
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: "Called To Dance" DVD is so rich in content. The deep experience that Pastor Lynn delivers throughout the video is reflected to the viewer starting from the introduction about the team concepts, I could sense the profound impact of the journey that God took Pastor Lynn through, it is very obvious from the way of teaching and the depth of the tips presented in the video.
Very Good Dance Tips
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: I really like this video because it make me see all the sides of dancing ministries and the steps it provides to built a dance team with numerous peoples involved. The explanations were so EASY to follow. I love how the teacher brings the fruit of the Spirit (patience, love, joy, peace)... I defenitly recommand this DVD. It's blessing from above.
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This video is great Pastor Lynn Hayden takes you through the fruit of the Spirit and how it coincides with dance if you are a leader of a dance ministry or on a dance ministry this video would be great for your team.
Excellent Team Building
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: The Called to Dance DVD by Pastor Lynn Hayden is a spirit of excellence DVD on how you learn as a leader or member of a dance ministry the importance of applying and living by the 9 fruits of the the spirit. Pastor Lynn also uses different types of scenerios. I highly recommend this DVD it will give you guidance, principals, tips and teaches you how to effectively how to work with members cohesively in dance ministry.
Cons: None
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This is a DVD that causes us to examine ourselves to see where we're at, collectively (team)& individually. I love how Pastor Lynn teaches with such simplicity; How she partnered the DVD with the book Team Terrififcus was excellent! The book or the DVD is a great tool to have , as a leader or if you're a babe just coming in.. She even shared her own experiences, and answered questions
Cons: None
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Are you a seasoned dance leader or someone just starting out in the dance ministry? Either way this is a video that you will find to be a valuable resource. All the wisdom, tips and techniques that Pastor Lynn has acquired through the years is included in this video as well as the Team Terrificus book. A reference that you will constantly go back to as you build and grow your ministry.
This book is a must-have
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is one of those DVD's that every dance team leader should own. It is full of invaluable advice on just about anything related to dancing for the Lord. There are so many things to take away from Pastor Lynn's teachings, including how to interact with team members, what team practices should look like, even dress code is mentioned. This is a wonderful reference, especially when used together with the Team Terrificus book (also by Lynn Hayden.
Insightful Resource
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Called To Dance is an informative DVD for anyone who is interested in Worship Dance. The end of the DVD includes a simple dance that can be learned and reproduced! I recommend this DVD to current or new worship dancers for their edification!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: The Called to Dance DVD from start to finish is packed with information that would be a blessing to any Dance Team Leader. The multitude of tips in the Questions and Answers section would be helpful to any type of Team Leader. You will also be blessed by the song and dance in part two. Thank you Pastor Lynn for this treasure.
Great teachings!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is a great DVD to help your dance team and yourself to relate to others through God’s help! I love that you can listen to Pastor Lynn Hayden talk about her practical life stories on this DVD. Don't pass this up!
Cons: none
Wonderful tips, get it!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is such a handy video for Dance leaders and so on. This will give you great tips to start a Dance group or any other type of team. If you already have one Dance group, this video will help you to improve your foundations. Really, really good!!
Great resource for Dance Ministries!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Called To Dance is an informative DVD for anyone who is interested in Worship Dance. The end of the DVD includes a simple dance that can be learned and reproduced! I recommend this DVD to current or new worship dancers for their edification!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Through this DVD we can receive: reaffirmation of our calling, some practical tips to help you get stared, and ideas about team concepts. Excellent resource!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Pastor Lynn has done an excellent job exposing the issues as well as releasing the answers to the issues as she gives her story. I understand that it may be challenging at times but there is a positive way to handle every issue or concern with the love of God.
Called To Dance - Video Download
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Called to Dance offers a variety of tips and techniques for leaders and members of a worship dance team. The foundation used is drawn from Galatians 5:22-23, which talks about the nine Fruits of the Spirit and the video goes through each of these in turn. This video is good because it places the underlying focus on God rather than on human considerations. This promotes a more Godly solution to fleshly problems and it increases communication and unity.
Up lifting!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Loved the video, very insightfull and practical. It really set grounds for dance ministry.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Pastor Lynn highlights the 9 Fruits of the Spirit and teaches how to apply to your dance ministry. Her Q&A section answers a lot a questions about her ministry and gives good tips to follow for yours!
Called to dance download
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Excellent confirmation of my calling to dance. Love every explanation Pastor Lynn has done in this video.
Length of ownership: 0-1 day
Pros: Enjoyed the DVD - Actually has 3 parts. Pastor Lynn teaches on the 9 Fruits of the Spirit and how we can implement them in our dance ministry. Then there's a wonderful question and answer section about dancing for the Lord, costuming, etc. There is a step by step worship dance that you can follow and use at the end.
Called to Dance-Video Download
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This information can be applied to any situation and many aspects in life.
Cons: None
Call To Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I love how Pastor Lynn was tell us what we should wear and what not to wear. She made it clear that it does not matter if you are a female or male dancer we all should be modest in what we wear.
Called to Dance DVD
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: This DVD is THE definitive guide for dance ministry teams! Applicable to ANY kind of ministry team!
Called To Dance
Pros: Wow! Thank you!! Pastor Lynn, a great blessing to watch, it really push me more into my passion my, purpose The Lords Plan.
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: I Recommend every leader and team member get this DVD. Your team will operate with a spirit of excellence as a result
Called to Dance Video Download
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This video has amazing information for you if you would like to start a Praise and Worship Dance Team or already have one but need some tips to get you started. Pastor Lynn tells us how she got started and how the Fruit of the Spirit, from her "Team Terrificus" book will also help your dance team and it goes hand in hand with this DVD.
Cons: None
Called to Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This excellent DVD sheds valuable insight on how to start a dance ministry, proper attire/dance wear and basic guidlines for a team. It is a "must have" resource if you are called to dance!
Called To Dance - Video Download
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Pastor Lynn beautifully outlines the fruits of the spirit as they relay to relationships within a dance team; and shares so many helpful tips from years of experience.
called to Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: WOW This DVD ministered so much to me , I enjoy all Pastor Lynn's experience and wisdom on how to lead a dance team and all her tip's on having a successful , fruitful team
Called To Dance - Video Download
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: This Video Download is amazing. It has so much wisdom that it took me to another level. Pastor Lynn illuminates on the fruit of the spirit and how to apply it in life. I also loved the answers to the many common questions that can arise within a dance ministry.
Cons: None
Called to dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Called to Dance is shall I say for lack of better words. jam packed! It has so much dance information and how to dress and how to keep that Spirit of excellence where you are at and helps you to go to higher level through [pastor Lynn's wisdom and instruction. And just when you think it is ending you get more! includes dance and walk through ,talk though, of a beautiful dance!
Cons: none
Called to Dance-Video Download
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is a must for anyone who is feeling called to dance for worship and praise, and considering starting a dance team. Beyond that its also highly recommended for people who wish to grow in the fruits of the Spirit in any aspect of life, as the leadership described and qualities for being on a team can also be applied to being in a family, an office place, a member of a church, or bettering oneself and building qualities based on fruits of the spirit that will enhance any other walk of life. Also a wonderful chance to learn of Pastor Lynn Hayden`s inspirational journey of how she came to dance for the Lord.
Called to Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This video was and is such a blessing to my life. It's filled with team concepts tied in with the fruit of the spirit and it is sure encourage you. If you have any questions concerning dance, attire, etc. this is the video for you.
Called to Dance - video download
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Pastor Lynn addressed various questions she received over the years into this very relevant video by relating them to the Fruit of the Spirit. This video is another outstanding resource from Pastor Lynn!
Cons: none
Called To Dance Video Downlaod
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Wow!! I was so ministered to by Pastor Lynn's testimony! And how she applies the fruits of the Spirit to our calling as dancers was powerful and practical. The Q&A at the end was very informative and helpful, encouraging more and inspiring a spirit of excellence!
Called to Dance DVD
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Pastor Lynn's testimonies and answers to questions you may have in Leadership and having to do with team are a wealth of information. She has wisdom that we might not have because of experience.
Called to Dance DVD download
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: I really appreciate Pastor Lynn's easy-to-understand advice and practical solutions, using the fruit of the Spirit, to solve team issues. She addresses the root of the problems for truly effective answers! I also found the dance to "Holy, Holy" easy to learn and plan to teach it to the 'tween girls I teach. Thank you, Pastor Lynn!
Must have Video!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This DVD is a must have for anyone who is leading or aspiring to lead a dance team. Pastor Lynn uses the 9 Fruits of the Spirit to explain ways to handle the different issues that can arise when working with a dance team. She shares from over 50 years of dance experience with many tips, do's, dont's and so much more.
Very Helpful Teaching!
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: This video is very educational and motivating. It will help you by answering questions that you may have or areas that your team may be having issues. Awesome teaching and beautiful testimony!
called to dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Excellent Dvd! I'll recommend this Dvd to anyone who's called to Dance. This DVD has all the answers to your questios
Called to Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I was so edified and encouraged by this inspiring and practical resource! If you and your dance team have made it your passion to pursue Jesus and His heart, and to reflect that in your dance, then you need to invest in this!
Cons: None!
Called To Dance - Video Download
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: What a wonderful video! Pastor Lynn describes the concept of working as a Dance Team by using the fruits of the spirit as a guide, and I loved the intimate setting. It was like sitting and having a cup of coffee together..
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This video contains a great deal of invaluable information pertaining to the the ministry of dance. Make sure to also buy the "Team Terrificus" book along with the video. Awesome ministry study vehicle!
Called to Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Anyone desiring to be a leader or is a leader and needs some guidance this is a must have!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This DVD is one of my favorites, The first part prepares you for the called to dance. Secondly Pastor Lynn shares Her Calling to dance and as a bonus there a beautiful Praise dance lesson on the end.
Cons: none
Called To Dance - Video Download
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Wow! What an excellent DVD to answer all your common questions and teach a very simple dance anyone can do! Be blessed and know that God is Holy through any circumstances or situation.
Called To Dance - Video Download
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: During a Q & A session Pastor Lynn Hayden provides answers to questions as “What does the bible says about dance” and “How do I know I am called to dance”. She comes through with solid scriptural and practical answers to questions regarding team members and ministry. She has a gift from God that allows her to reach her audience as a dear friend.
Cons: None
Called to Dance-Video Download
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: This video download is a must for those that are starting a worship team at your church. Basic understanding how to put a team together and many great ideas are shared. The bonus dance at the end shows how you can let dancers at all levels work together.
Called to Dance-Video Download
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Amen. After watching this video, I know for sure that I was called to dance. The DVD also provides you with a scriptural foundation for your calling.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: What I liked about the Called To Dance DVD was how Pastor Lynn talked about having unity as a team. I also liked the way she incorporated the Fruit of the Spirit in relation to dance ministry. My favorite concept was patience.
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: The Called to Dance DVD is an excellent and helpful resource to add to your dance ministry. It has many tips and techniques to help you and your dance team minister in the most effective manner.
Called to Dance-Video Download
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Called to Dance is an excellant video that is extremely helpful and highly recommended to anyone who has a dance team or is starting one. How to put into practice the fruits of the spirit when dealing with issues that you may come across is the best way to go. Thank you Pastor Lynn for an excellant DVD.
Called To Dance - Video Download
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: I love this dvd and how openly Pastor Lynn shares her experience and knowledge about dance and leading ministry.
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: I really enjoyed the Called To Dance DVD. Pastor Lynn's testimony was very encouraging.
Cons: None!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This video opened up my eyes to many things. I really enjoyed how she spoke about her testimony it helped my faith grow so much more
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: The called to dance video was very enlightening. It was well placed as a beginning requirement for a new student. The timing of the assignment was well put together.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I like the Called To Dance DVD. It reminds me of the love that the Father has for me. By watching this DVD, it will help me to go to the next level in my Macedonian call from the Lord in the dance ministry.
Called to Dance
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: We are called to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. This DVD is a must have for anyone feeling like they have a calling on their life to dance for the Lord. Pastor Lynn is the most humble, sweet-spirited teacher with a vast knowledge and experience base in both dance and the Word. You'll be more equipped to follow your calling with excellence after watching this video.
Call to Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: his was a very informative DVD. I am a person that see the big picture and details are not my strong point. This book help be create a frame work that allowed me to bring structure to my ministry. The tips are so wonderful and practical.
Called to dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Dvd Really this is very interesting, and I could not stop listening to it several times that my heart really minister, reviewing many things in my life. I thank God for putting in my hands so valuable item like this. In this DVD I found how to prepare spiritually and physically to minister in dance. I love it!
Called To Dance - DVD - DOWLOAD
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I really liked this very personal video. I had always seen Pastor Lynn as a very trained, poised and experienced, and I felt intimidated. But, with this candid testimony, I realize that everybody has small beginnings. This video is a great companion to the book Team Terrificus and brings to light how God has use the fruit of the spirit in Pastor Lynn's life to train her and shape her into the great and caring leader she is now !
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Terrific video taking advantage of Pastor Lynn's years of experience as a Christian Dance leader and teacher. She bases her ministry of dance on the fruits of the spirit and they are evident in her dance and her ministry! Wonderful tips for every dance leader!
Called to Dance dvd
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Pastor Lynn gave a awesome teaching of how we should implement the fruit of the spirit in our Dance ministry ... i have watch many dvds but by for this one not only minister to my heart . but answer many of my conflicting questions. this is a must see dvd for every dance minister. thank you pastor Lynn .
Cons: none
called to dance dvd
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: wow such a pleasure to have in my library for life, love how the fruit of the spirit is in all areas of your moments, thanks for this and how it relates to dance and everything
Called to Dance DVD
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This DVD is a must have for anyone wanting to lead a dance team. You will also want to pair it up with Lynn's book, Team Terrificus.
Called to Dance DVD Download
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: The experience shared in this video is so what is needed for those of us who have been searching and praying for real life guidance in Dancing for the Lord. This is an answer to our questions and our prayers!
Called To Dance - DVD - DOWNLOAD
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Called to Dance is a valuable resource for any dance team. It is refreshing honest look at the heart of the dancer. Are we filled with the Fruit of the Spirit? If you want to grow your dance team in ministering the heart of the Father, than you want to study DVD along with the book "Team Terrificus" by Pastor Lynn Hayden.
Pros: who have a heart to worship the Lord through dance. The “call to dance” does not come to everyone. Through this DVD, I finally understood the difference between “dance in worship” and “dancing for Him.”
Inspiring and Empowering
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: I loved this. It's full of practical guidance for the worship dance leader, which was awesome. My favorite part was the Q&A with Pastor Lynn where she answers questions about her call.
Called To Dance DVD Download
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Great companion to the Team Terrificus book. I loved hearing some of Pastor Lynn's personal experiences as a worship dancer/leader. These tips can easily adopted for any relationship issues, not just dance ministries. I loved it!
Cons: None
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: The wisdom and knowledge that Pastor Lynn expresses in this DVD will encourage you in the dance realm. She will surely inspire you to be OBEDIENT!
Amazing Starter
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I was very inspired by the Called to Dance DVD. As well as learning a new dance, I have learned many things that I had been doing correctly and which things I need to improve.
Called To Dance - DVD - DOWNLOAD
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I loved this DVD so much enjoyment strengthen some previously acquired knowledge, learning new things and gaining wisdom as directing the dance group I have my office in the different situations that arise. I recommend this DVD to anyone.
Called to Dance -Download
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is definitley a companion to the book "Team Terrificus." Valuable tips from a worship dance leader with years of experience will save you from many potential problems with an emerging dance team. it is truly amazing how universal many of these situations are that we encounter as dance leaders. Don't bother "reinventing the wheel" and get some very practical tips based on biblical truth as you build a dance team in your own church.
Cons: none
Pros: If you want to start a dance ministry or be a part of a dance team, this DVD is invaluable. I had no idea where to begin and in "Called to Dance" Pastor Lynn pours out her experience and knowledge. She shares her highly qualified dance background, then answers questions about leading a dance team, all of them questions I had in my mind. Lastly, a worship dance is included to allow the watcher to learn and participate. I no longer feel so overwhelmed on how to begin. This DVD and the book Team Terrificus have saved me a lot of pain trying to learn everything from the ground up on my own. If you purchase the "Called to Dance" DVD, please consider purchasing the book "Team Terrificus" as well.
Leaders you Must get this video
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Called to Dance DVD is an enhancement to the book Team Terrificus because Pastor Lynn shares real life examples of knowledge presented in the book. This was the first DVD the Holy Spirit lead me to watch after God called me to start a Christian dance production. I loved the Q&A at the end with pastor Lynn.
Called To Dance DVD
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This video is chock full of inspirational wisdom from Pastor Lynn Hayden cultivated from her many years of extensive experience. She answers frequently asked questions in a way that provides you with scriptural understanding, encouragement and empowerment.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: The Called To Dance DVD is my most treasured resource of all the DFH Products. By watching this video, you will be encouraged in your call and gain practical insights as Pastor Lynn addresses the spiritual as well as the physical aspects of dancing before the Lord and establishing a ministry team. The simple dance presentation and choreography teaching at the end is sure to inspire, build confidence and develop creativity in any worshipper.
Cons: None
Called to Dance
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: This DVD helps a dancer to understand his purpose and calling to dance for the Lord. Once understanding what you are called to do, you are given helpful ideas on leading a group, on how to work together as a team and how to choreograph pieces to minister the word. A great beginning for any dance group with helpful bonuses at the end to help set the vision in motion.
Cons: None!
Called to Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I loved it! This DVD really sets the tone on how to conduct yourself, how to build a team and most of all how important it is to cultivate our personal relationship with the Lord through prayer and worship.
Called To Dance - DVD - Download
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: Called To Dance is an engaging and enriching complement to the Team Terrificus book. Deeper insights and humorous testimonials are shared regarding team building through the fruit of the Spirit. This is a must have!
Called to Dance Video
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: Called to Dance is a great alternative video to the book Team Terrificus. In this video you will learn how to lead and develop your team as well as the do's and don'ts when preparing to minister. Pastor Lynn shares pertinent tips that will improve your presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ and tops it off with her own personal testimony. This video is simply dynamic!
Called to Dance-DVD - DOWNLOAD
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This video is a wealth of information. It includes practical tips to deal with team issues, costuming, etc. all from a biblical perspective using the fruits of the spirit. It also includes a choreographed dance. You will love this DVD, it is a must have!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Very good information presented in a very easy to understand manner. Another must have for dance leaders & team members! Flowing with the Holy Spirit is key to the sucessful dance ministry. Loved the bonus material as well ;)
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is an awesome DVD. I wish I'd found this before I started dancing on my team. It would have equipped me with a lot of helpful tips and explanations of the dynamics of a team and a leader. I HIGHLY recommend this to any leader of a dance team or member. The second part is a wonderful bonus in that you learn a very simple ministry piece which gives movement ideas and builds confidence in beginning choreography.
Called To Dance DVD
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This DVD is a complete "How To" guide for dance leaders and members. Spiritual revelation on the Fruit of the spirit in relation to dance ministry will arm you for your calling mentally and spiritually! Combine this with the Team Terrificus book for a complete package.
The called to Dance DVD DOWNLOAD
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: The called to dance DVD is a practical guide for those who are over a dance team or looking to start one in the future. This DVD offers tips on the do's and don'ts in dance ministry. I really liked the way Pastor Lynn used the fruit of the spirit to bring correction not only to leaders but to team members as well. This DVD put so many things in perspective for me. I'm great full for pastor lynns transparency and humility in sharing her heart and start as a team member and leader. This DVD is awesome because it sets you right in the place you need to be and thats the face of the father. I highly recommend this DVD to anyone whose thinking of leading or joining a dance ministry.
Called to dance
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: This book is a great book it gives you instructions on how to use the Fruit of the Spirit as a dancer or team leader. And at the end of the video has some helpful questions and answers for you.
Called To Dance - DVD
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Great resource for worship dance leaders or soon to be leaders that includes scriptually based advice for leading a team of worshippers.
Called to Dance DVD
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: Using the fruits of the spirit as a guideline/foundation, this DVD will not only help you discern your call to dance for the Lord, but it also has tips regarding teams and leaders, such as organization, administration, vision, mission, practices, etc. This is a great tool for reference and starting a team.
Called To Dance DVD Download
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: The Called To Dance DVD by Lynn Hayden is a wealth of knowledge for all dance ministries. No matter if you’re the leader of the dance ministry or just part of the team, you will receive great insight and key tips for your development as a dance minister.
Called To Dance Review
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Pastor Lynn identifies each Fruit of the Spirit and how it is expressed in a team effort. She addresses our Attitude toward God and the Team, Social Relationships on and off the Team, and scriptural principles for guiding our conduct. She gives great examples of situations that correspond to each Fruit in a way that is applicable and easy to understand.
Cons: none
Called to Dance
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Sit down with Pastor Lynn and hear her heart on what it means to be called to dance! Also, this DVD is a priceless treasure for dance team leaders and members using the fruit of the Spirit as an outline.
Cons: None
Called to Dance DVD
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: Pastor Lynn shares her story in a transparent way that deals with real issues and team concepts that many have been challenged with and have finally found the answers.
Called to Dance DVD
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is a wonderful tool for those who believe God has called them to dance, or for leaders of a dance team. The practical tips of how to incorporate the fruit of the spirit in the dance ministry is helpful for leaders wanting to set an atmosphere of worship in both performances and practices. It can be used in conjunction with the book Team Terrificus to help get your dance ministry started on a strong foundation.
Called TO Dance
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: I am so inspired and full of confidence after watching Called To Dance. I know I will be able to work with others as we usher in God's presence. Thank you Pator Lynn for breaking it down in order for us to get a full understanding of our call.
Called to Dance DVD Download
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This DVD is a treasure chest that contains a wealth of valuable wisdom and personal experiences that Pastor Lynn shares. Everything you need to know about beginning or being part of a dance team is addressed here. The added bonus is getting to know Pastor Lynn and her journey with dance and the Lord.
Called to Dance-DVD
Pros: What a great introduction to Pastor Lynn and her call to dance for the Lord. She describes the concept of working as a Dance Team by using the fruits of the spirit as a guide. The question and answer section is extremely informative and reveals her personal story into how she began dancing for the Lord, along with great guidelines for a dance ministry team.
Cons: None
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: If you think you have been called to dance as a means of ministering of Christ this download will be a good investment in both time and money. Pastor Lynn touches on any topic that means anything to dance ministry here!
Called To Dance
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Wanting to be a dancer and knowing if you are called is something that is so discovered in this dvd. Very informational and a good eye opener to what a dancer should be and shouldn't be. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND to all dancers and dance leaders.
Called to Dance - DVD - DOWNLOAD;
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: I loved the intimacy that Pastor Lynn provided in this video. She shares her experiences as a fellow dancer as well as a Dance Minister. The dance at the end of the video was fabulous as well and could easily taught to your dance team!i
Cons: None
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Hearing about all her different experiences she has had in her dance ministry are really helpful as you find something in common with her experiences. I was blessed to hear that she has had some personal experience that I can relate to and I was glad to know that I handle the problem well. This DVD is a must to keep in your place of references always.
Cons: none
Called To Dance-DVD-Download
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: If you have been called to dance for the Lord either as the leader or team member and may not be sure what to do next or how to handle issues that may arise, then this DVD is just what you need. Any questions you have, the answer is here! You will learn how exhibiting the fruit of the spirit is essential for all who have been called as well as tips on how to exemplify each fruit not only as a leader or team member but with everyone you come in contact with. I believe this is a must have tool for anyone called to dance.
Cons: None
What insight!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: In this video, Pastor Lynn really takes you into how God revealed to her that she was called to the ministry of dance. By sharing her testimony along with provided some practical ways to know if you are called to dance, Lynn really expresses her heart. She also provides a beautiful worship dance that is well worth using for your ministry team. What insight.
Cons: None.
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: This DVD addresses Team Concepts and how to handle different problems that can occur in your dance ministry team. We discover that these problems seem to be familiar with almost every dance team….many problems are similar so the concepts Lynn teaches in the DVD are wonderful guidelines to build fruit of the spirit and team unity which will really help to develop a great team! At the beginning of each chapter Lynn gives a definition of each word – and some examples of what they mean relating to team work and everyone having the fruit of the spirit evident in their own personal life and at work with the team members. Many practical tips and illustrations are shared with Biblical solutions. This video is a necessary resource for every dance team and even all types of ministries to build unity and understanding on how important it is to all be on the same page and keep Christ at the centre of our ministries.
Cons: GREAT!!
Called to Dance DVD download
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: Pastor Lynn has masterfully outlined for us as dancers, team members and dance leaders a framework for responding to any challenge, question or doubt that we encounter in our ministry. If you’re new in leadership, she provides helpful tips to prepare and run your practices and rehearsal smoothly with confidence and without chaos. As a bonus, you’ll get to walk through planning, teaching and preparing to minister the dance to “Holy, Holy” with her.
Cons: None
Called to Dance DVD Download
Length of ownership: 0-1 day
Pros: As scary as it can be sometime to ask questions, I like how this DVD was done in an intimate setting.
Cons: none
Called to Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This DVD lecture helped me to understand that dance is not just something I want to do; it is my calling! It offers some very important guidance regarding leadership and comportment besides, however, before those details could sink in for me, I needed the foundational understanding that dance is first and foremost my calling.
Called To Dance DVD
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: Pastor Lynn brings out some great wisdom as to how a dance team can be brought together in unity. She has placed together in one place good principles to bring order to the team so they can focus more on growing as a ministry. Much of this is done through prayer, bible study, organized administration, as well as developing dance vocabulary. There are even some dances at the end of the video for future ideas.
Cons: None
Called to dance DVD
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This DVD is a valuable resource for dance ministry. Pastor Lynn uses the fruit of the spirit as a resolution to common team issues. There is an inspirational interview of Pastor Lynn and how God worked in her life as a dancer. There is also a beautiful dance that can be taught to your team.
Cons: none
Called to Dance DVD
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: The Called to Dance Video held just a plethora of information regarding the dance ministry. I believe that many of us in the dance ministry no matter our location or denomination face similar issues and have some of the same questions on how to address those issues. I felt that the video addressed some of the most common issues that dance teams and their leaders face. The points addressed in the video that I found to be most beneficial to me personally were the thoughts that Pastor Lynn shared on team unity, dance etiquette & training, and the mindset and qualities of the dance leader.
Cons: None
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: If you need some advice on how to handle difficult situations with your dance team, Called to Dance is the DVD to view. Lynn gives great tips on how to deal with conflicts by using scripture references. She focuses on the importance of the fruit of the Spirit. In order to become a team with less conflict the team members must walk in line with the Holy Spirit.
Cons: No Cons
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Cons: NONE
Called to Dance -New! DVD -Download
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Great enlightenment to teams and individuals alike wanting to minister effectively in the fruit of Spirit.
Cons: none
Called To Dance DVD
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Highly recommend this DVD to all who are on a team or a leader. Very high praise for the way she talks straightforward and face to face. Packed with lots of valualbe info and gold nuggets of wisdom!
Cons: None
Called to Dance DVD-Download
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Excellent DVD! Practical wisdom for every dance minister. I really gained some great insight and revelation on how incorporating the fruit of the spirit in dance ministry will lead to greater success.
Cons: none
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Called to Dance is a great video full of amazing teachings and tips given by Pastor Lynn. Anyone who has been called to dance by God must take advantage of it. Pastor Lynn talks about some of the fruit of the spirit (explained in the Team Terrific Book), she breaks them down for you and gives you some advice on how and when you (as a minister) should apply them. She also speaks about her journey as a dancer, teacher, and minister.
Cons: None
Called To Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This DVD is a good introduction to important principals for working with dance teams. Lynn uses the fruit of the spirt as the foundation for a healthy Dance ministry team.
Cons: None
Called to Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Amazing nuggets of knowledge! I would recommend this DVD to any dance leader and/or dance team member. Pastor Lynn shares years of ministry experience as she speaks from a very humble heart while giving practical examples using the fruit of the spirit. She also shares very interesting and heartfelt "do's and don'ts". This is a must have very EVERY dancers library.
Cons: None
Called to Dance
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Called to Dance alows you to glean from one of God's pricelss gems in the ministry of dance, Pastor Lynn Hayden. She shares pearls of wisdom that only one can acquire from years of humbly serving in the ministry of dance. She eloquently steps us through the fruits of the spirit and how they relate to honoring and supporting one another in our gift to dance before the Lord.
Cons: none
Called to Dance DVD
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Wow what an awesome dvd download for any leader or even member on a dance team. Listening to Pastor Lynn's experience and the different team concepts relating to the fruit of the spirit was amazing. a must for any leader.
Cons: none
The Called to Dance video
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: The called to dance video Pastor Lynn shares her calling to the minstry of dance. She combine her experiences with dos and don'ts on how to be an extraordinary praise leader and team player.
Cons: none
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This is a must have for anyone persuing excellence in their worship dance before the Lord. Seeing how the fruits of the spirit can be applied directly and practicaly to everyday lives as worshippers was beyond helpful.
Cons: None
Called to Dance--DVD
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: It was enjoyable to hear Lynn share her personal journey into dance, as well as the wisdom she's gained in leading and participating on a team. I appreciated how she tied in the fruits of the Spirit with her discussion. One of my favorite quotes: "Character has to be built before we're ready for a vision."
Cons: None
Called to Dance DVD
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This DVD was so encouraging to me in how Pastor Lynn Hayden was called to dance for the Lord, because I saw parallels to my own life. The teaching of how dance works in the Church was very practical information. I was exhorted to pursue excellence in what I am called to do.
Cons: none
Called To Dance DVD Download
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: This is a good reference and guide for all worship dance leaders and members to have for their knowledge base. This teaching offers valuable concepts in team unity , and many tips and techniques for dance teams.
Cons: none
called to dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book causes one to think if they are truly call and how to allow the Holy Spirit to develop his fruit in you so that the dancer can not just walk in but dance in the spirit.
Cons: none
Called to Dance Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Pastor Lynn answers just about any question you can imagine regarding dance ministry. Her personal story is inspiring and encouraging! I have found several suggestions and recommendations that will sharpen His ministry of dance through me.
Cons: None.
called to dance-dvd-new-download
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: The DVD is great and helped me to understand my calling and the testimonies of the author Lynn Hayden are very inspiring. The explanations of dance in the bible using the Hebrew and greek words for movement was also a revelation and opened my eyes to the spiritual significance of dance in worship, in spiritual warfare and in bringing healing and deliverance.The stress on the fruit of the Spirit and team concepts as an essential foundation in the dance ministry was very much appreciated
Cons: None
Called To Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Lynn shares beautifully in this video the process the Lord took her through in calling her to the dance ministry. You can glean a wealth of knowledge from her years of wisdom in this DVD. She shares how hearing God's voice changed her destiny! Don't waste years trying to do it on your own! Learn to hear His voice and absorb the nuggets she has learned from years of trial and error!!!
Cons: None
Call to Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I say yes to this video. It is what every dancer need. Pastor Lynn tells you about the Fruit of the Spirit,and she break it down for you. And listening to her about the Fruit of the Spirit you will began to feel the Lord pouring in your spirit fresh oil. Because he wants us pure for him to use for his glory. And she also gives you wisdom about your time with the Father. I have no words but Awesome.
Cons: none
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Pastor Lynn, The Fruit of The Spirit, is a work in progress for most. Learning the process of team development is clear using the suggestions and staying with the guidelines, from church permission,set times,choosing the team and creating the dance. This DVD is timeless for all groups.Thanks
Cons: Amazing
Called To Dance-DVD-download
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Pastor Lynn-Thank You So Much for Confirmation! The scriputure tells us that many are called but few are chosen. I love the way Pastor Lynn uses the Fruits of the Spirit to bring forth Wisdom in our calling. As a Dance Ministry Leader and Worshipper the enemy tries to set up road blocks to make you think this is not the place God wants you to be- But I thank God for this DVD for reminding me that I am the head and not the tail and that God has CALLED ME AND EQUIPPED ME TO BE IN THE POSITION THAT I AM IN. ALL MINISTRIES THIS IS A MUST HAVE RESOURCE FOR YOUR MINISTRY LIBRARIES
Cons: 0
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This DVD is a must see for everyone from novice team member to experienced dance leader. There is tons of wisdom to be gleaned and it will encourage you even in your mistakes. Pastor Lynn has a beautifully gentle way of saying things and I love being confirmed by the Holy Spirit in this video of my calling.
Cons: None
Called to Dance
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This is a must watch DVD for all those wondering if they are called to dance ministry and even those that feel that the Lord is calling you begin a dance ministry in your local church!! Pastor discusses the fruit of the spirit needed to operate as strong team as well as a question and answer session on the 2nd part of the DVD. Great DVD!! I will watch it over and over again!!
Cons: None!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: The Called to Dance DVD is a wonderful tool for dance team leaders and fellow dance team members, there are several practical tips to help you get a dance ministry team started. I really enjoyed the Q & A segment in the Called to Dance DVD, I loved hearing all about Pastor Lynns peronal experiences, it really touched my heart and encouraged me greatly. I loved the simple and easy to learn dance at the end of the Called to Dance DVD, it is a dance that can be daone at any occasion.
Cons: N/A
Insightful & Simple!
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: Evaluation: This DVD blessed me so much! Not only did I gain Scriptural insight into God’s perspective on our spiritual growth as an individual and a minister, but also felt refreshed to know that I can dance for the Lord, I am called, and I am equipped! Common questions we often have regarding the challenges we face as we work in this Ministry where answered, and the suggestions given really help me continue to move forward in excellence and in God’s Order. I think am much wiser as a leader and mentor thanks to the input in this DVD. Thank you Minister Lynn!
Cons: none!
Called To Dance-Download
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: I learned alot of wisdom from this DVD. It is an excellent resource that I encourage ever dance leader to have their team sit and watch and discuss together. I also loved here Lynn's own personal testimony concerning her call to dance. This is definitely a very resourceful praise dance tool.
Cons: o
Worship dance level 2
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: It is very good to watch this DVD with reference to the Team Terrificus book. I especially love the Q&A part which clarifies and teaches me many such as how to start and run a dance ministry with approaching the pastor first and understanding the vision of the pastor for the church. Finally a dance presentation is taught and put together with banner and candles, which put the words into dance.
Cons: nil
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This DVD discussed the dynamics of the being a team leader or team member. The Team Terrificus book was used in conjunction with the DVD. Studying this DVD touched me on a personal level as a ministry leader. I was relieved to know that many of the issues I have endured are issues that occur in the ministry of Dance. I loved the way the fruit of the spirit was used to really change the heart and mind towards ministering to the Lord and others in the team. In my heart I desired for a team with unity. The video helped me to use tools to convey my goals with proper word application. The DVD was easy to understand and equip anyone to excel regardless of their position. I was much more confident after learning from the DVD.
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: For anyone like myself who is in a church that is in the developmental stages and does not have a mentor/leader that is experienced in Dance ministry, I would highly recommend this DVD because it will start you off on the right foundation, focused on the word and in the right spirit. One of the things that I enjoyed was the review of the fruit of Kindness. I enjoyed the real life experiences in addition to the material presented. It made the information believable and achievable. I loved the tips on fellowship after a big dance to promote unity and encouragement.
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: I really enjoyed the Q and A because I felt like I learned more about the instructor, which was really cool because I got to know how she started and that we have something in common other than dance. The DVD helped me to ask myself questions to ensure that I will remain and preserve what I have been called to do…. DANCE FOR THE KING OF KINGS!! The dance, in the second half, was impressive and bold to see dancers to do a piece like that. The candles really made it different. I don't recall seeing anything like that thus far in ministry.
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