The Kingdom of the Beloved - E-Book- DOWNLOAD

The Kingdom of the Beloved - E-Book- DOWNLOAD
Price: $14.00

The Kingdom of the Beloved - E-Book- DOWNLOAD Product Description:


 “The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand; 

repent and believe the Good News” (Mark 1:15)

The kingdom of darkness and death 

is invaded by the Lord of light and life. 

The age-old cycle of violence, tragedy and depravity 

is being broken by the inbreaking power and presence 

of Jesus, holy Lamb and risen Lord.

In the midst of this uproar of nations

in the chaos of disintegrating monuments

as the foundations beneath our feet tremble

we celebrate God's present rule of redeeming grace 

bringing forgiveness for the guilty, liberty for the captive, 

healing and deliverance for the broken and bound, 

reconciliation between God and humanity.

We celebrate the presence of the coming kingdom

and proclaim God’s gracious invitation to live now 

and forever in the glorious kingdom of the Beloved.


Wesley Scott Amos is a pastor and Bible teacher, worship leader and songwriter. In his Parable of the Dancer musicals, the consistent theme is the Beloved's passionate pursuit of His bride and her love for Him.

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