Team Terrificus - Book

Team Terrificus - Book
Price: $13.00

Team Terrificus - Book Product Description:

Do you want helpful insight into managing a great dance team?

Do you want to avoid unwanted potential team problems?

Do you want successful rehearsals and team tips?

Then this book is for you!

Team Terrificus is divided into three parts:

  • Our Attitude Toward God and Team

  • Social Relationships On and Off the Team

  • Principles Guiding Conduct.

Each of these are combined with the fruit of the Spirit to offer assistance with common dance team issues and concerns.

Every team leader & member should read this helpful resource!

Get one for yourself and every team member.


Be sure to also get the corresponding DVD Called To Dance. You'll find Pastor Lynn quite personable and the information most helpful. 

Product Reviews - 5/5 from 240 reviews Write A Review

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1 5 out of 5 stars by SylviaG on February 23rd 2025

Feels like 'Fruit of the Spirit'

Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year

Pros: This book should be an Appendix in the Bible. According to Goggle, an appendix gives useful additional information, but even without it the rest of the book is complete. I needed to add this definition, to explain that I know the Bible is complete, but reemphasizing a section of the Bible, and breaking it down in detail the way Pastor Lynn did it, is not a bad idea. Team Terrificus Ebook is a book one should keep nearby. In fact, maybe a hard copy and electronic copy, so that it can always be available. The book is written in such a way that an adult can us it to teach children. I believe that if a child learned these characteristics at a young age, their future would be so much brighter. Why, because they will understand that so many things in life is not about them, but how they relate to them. As Pastor Lynn said, the problems are universal. I say, this book is a Unifier because it is the ‘Fruit of The Spirit.’

Cons: NONE

2 5 out of 5 stars by L. Weir on February 21st 2024

Calling All Dance Leaders - A MUST to Read!!

Length of ownership: more than 1 year

Pros: Calling all Dance Team Leaders new and seasoned, a must to read! Such a wealth of information to grow you as a leader and as a corporate dance team. You won't be sorry that you did!! This book goes hand in hand with the dvd "Called to Dance" and that is excellent video answering questions that you may have as a leader as well as going over the Fruits of the Spirit which is essential when running a dance ministry. You won't be sorry that you bought both!! I know it was God ordained for me.

3 5 out of 5 stars by L. Weir on February 21st 2024

Dance Leaders, A Must to Read!!!

Length of ownership: more than 1 year

Pros: Calling all Dance Team Leaders new and seasoned, a must to read! Such a wealth of information to grow you as a leader and as a corporate dance team. You won't be sorry that you did!! This book goes hand in hand with the dvd "Called to Dance" and that is excellent video answering questions that you may have as a leader as well as going over the Fruits of the Spirit which is essential when running a dance ministry. You won't be sorry that you bought both!! I know it was God ordained for me.

4 5 out of 5 stars by Ashley M on February 23rd 2023

So amazing!

Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year

Pros: What a great name! I was hooked from the very beginning with the awesome definition. This book was so easy to read but yet so filled with wisdom and truth. It deals directly with heart issues and character defects in a loving and encouraging way. I was so blessed by this book. And I feel like I truly have a push to live in a more holy way after finishing the book.

5 5 out of 5 stars by Chantal on February 28th 2022

Encouraging and Insightful Book!

Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month

Pros: The Team Terrificus Book talks about all of the different fruits of the Spirit and our attitude towards God and our dance team. It gives you lots of really helpful and encouraging knowledge. This was an overall well rounded book that has great advice and insight into relating to the Lord and others and growing in your walk with Him doing worship Dance and being a part of a worship dance team.

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