Feels like 'Fruit of the Spirit'
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book should be an Appendix in the Bible. According to Goggle, an appendix gives useful additional information, but even without it the rest of the book is complete. I needed to add this definition, to explain that I know the Bible is complete, but reemphasizing a section of the Bible, and breaking it down in detail the way Pastor Lynn did it, is not a bad idea. Team Terrificus Ebook is a book one should keep nearby. In fact, maybe a hard copy and electronic copy, so that it can always be available. The book is written in such a way that an adult can us it to teach children. I believe that if a child learned these characteristics at a young age, their future would be so much brighter. Why, because they will understand that so many things in life is not about them, but how they relate to them. As Pastor Lynn said, the problems are universal. I say, this book is a Unifier because it is the ‘Fruit of The Spirit.’
Cons: NONE
Calling All Dance Leaders - A MUST to Read!!
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: Calling all Dance Team Leaders new and seasoned, a must to read! Such a wealth of information to grow you as a leader and as a corporate dance team. You won't be sorry that you did!! This book goes hand in hand with the dvd "Called to Dance" and that is excellent video answering questions that you may have as a leader as well as going over the Fruits of the Spirit which is essential when running a dance ministry. You won't be sorry that you bought both!! I know it was God ordained for me.
Dance Leaders, A Must to Read!!!
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: Calling all Dance Team Leaders new and seasoned, a must to read! Such a wealth of information to grow you as a leader and as a corporate dance team. You won't be sorry that you did!! This book goes hand in hand with the dvd "Called to Dance" and that is excellent video answering questions that you may have as a leader as well as going over the Fruits of the Spirit which is essential when running a dance ministry. You won't be sorry that you bought both!! I know it was God ordained for me.
So amazing!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: What a great name! I was hooked from the very beginning with the awesome definition. This book was so easy to read but yet so filled with wisdom and truth. It deals directly with heart issues and character defects in a loving and encouraging way. I was so blessed by this book. And I feel like I truly have a push to live in a more holy way after finishing the book.
Encouraging and Insightful Book!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: The Team Terrificus Book talks about all of the different fruits of the Spirit and our attitude towards God and our dance team. It gives you lots of really helpful and encouraging knowledge. This was an overall well rounded book that has great advice and insight into relating to the Lord and others and growing in your walk with Him doing worship Dance and being a part of a worship dance team.
A MUST have for team building!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is the “HOW TO” for implementing the 9 Fruits of the Spirit in ministry AND in personal life!
Cons: There aren’t enough words for me to say about this book!
Thought Provoking
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: An interesting presentation of the Fruits of the Spirit; suggesting how individuals can be more successful in everyday life.
Power Packed!
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: This is a must-read, power packed, and filled with so much spiritual and practical wisdom. Definitely add this to your collection if you want to be a better dancer!
Cons: none
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: Absolutely packed full of so much needed knowledge. This book is truly a blessing to all who read it. I would suggest every dance member and leader read this book
the first line of ministry is the team itself
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: The book uses a chapter for each of the fruit of the spirit as a framework to present its content. Much of the topics brought forward deal with striving for, and the maintenance of, a collective that truly acts as a team. These interpersonal issues can either propel a team/company or it can destroy it from within.
Cons: none
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Team Terrificus by Pastor Lynn Hayden explores what it means to join forces in the Holy Spirit with a team of like-minded and like spirited individuals in the dance ministry to tear down the enemies’ strongholds.
Cons: None!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: A Book full of God’s wisdom for dance leaders as well as for team members. Highly recommended!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: this book is filled with so much wisdom. I am definitely going to share this with the dance team.
Cons: none
What an incredible feast on God's Word for the dancer!
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: This is a really rich resource of God's Word in helping the dancer and dance leader to understand the importance of having each one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit in their dance ministry! Easy to understand and very clear tips and relevant examples.
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: The "Team Terrificus" book was an enjoyable, fast, easy read yet so full and jam-packed with wisdom, truth, and knowledge concerning the fruit of the Spirit and ways to implement the fruit of the Spirit in practical and spiritual ways in your leadership and as a dance team.
This is a KEEPER!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This book was filled with such valuable information! I absolutely loved it. I will be sharing it with my dance ministry! Its a book that you can read, re-read, and refer to when ever you need a little Holy Ghost guidance.
Great Book!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This book was a blessing. I gained much valuable insight on the fruit of the Spirit and working together as team!
Full of wisdom
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This book is rich with wisdom! It explains each fruit of the Holy Spirit and give example of how to apply in real-life situations.
An absolute read for every Christian
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: I thoroughly enjoyed this book and plan on reading it twice a year to train myself in practicing the Fruit of the Spirit wherever I go.
Cons: None
Becoming Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: This book is profound in its' teachings. The concepts outlined are very detailed and helpful. The teachings in this book are very enlightening. I learned a lot from it and it has given me a better understanding of doing ministry in the prophetic arts.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Such a wonderful resource to have and share with dance team members and how to develop character in serving the Lord in dance ministry and one another! She speaks with authority and wisdom coming from her years of experience!
Great Leadership Book!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Pastor Lynn Hayden’s book Team Terrificus provides a great overview of how to develop and maintain a Christian Worship Dance Ministry. She addresses common leadership challenges and team problems by showing how the fruit of the Spirt can help lead to team harmony and a spirit of excellence.
Immensely Practical and Helpful
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: Full of very practical tips both for dance team leaders and team members. Could really apply to any type of ministry team. I will definitely be applying some of the tips I have learned from this book!!
Love This!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This was really good! it is vital for groups etc.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Pastor Lynn gives very good tips on how to apply the Fruit of the Spirit in dance team situations.
Great Resource!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I was blown away by this book. Truly a great resource and must have!
Look at your heart
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Wow, the words in this book really impress upon you the desire to look at your heart and evaluate your actions, not just on your dance team, but in all areas of your life! What great ministry is held in this book! Thank you, Pastor Lynn!
Great advice, very helpful!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: I really like the book!!! It is so full of good advice and of personell experience from Pastor Lynn about how to lead a danceteam. I think that all the topics discussed apply to all kinds of teams in general. Lynn talks about how important it is, to set rules and regulations for the dance team, so that you can profit from her experiences and form your own danceteam.
Awesome book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I truly like this book. It brought me into reflection, repentance and a desire to be a leader and member flowing in Holy Spirit fruit.
Great Book!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This book upon first look seems to have little information, but is packed with great information. What traits do you want your dance team to have? This book gives great direction to traits and attitudes that you should carry as a praise dancer.
Awe-Inspiring Truth for Teams
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This book was an easy read and filled with awe-inspiring truth. If you are planning to start, continue in or be a part of any group dynamic, you need to know these concepts and truths to keep your heart in check and allow for the Lord to awesome things in and through you. This is how the world will come to know the Lord, by our love for one another and this book gives some practical tips and ways to do just that. This is a book that you will finish reading quickly and probably never stop thinking about!
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Wow wow wow!! This book will bless all dance ministers full of wisdom and biblical principles. A must have in your library.
Awesome book
Pros: Wow, this book will answer pretty much all your questions/issues by applying the fruits of the Spirit!! What a great book, a must to read by the whole team!
It's a TEAM thing!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Learning how to apply the fruits of the spirit while dealing with your dance teams strength's and weaknesses! This book helps you dive deeper into not only an understanding of the fruits but how to apply them during class as well!
An Eye Opener
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: WOW!! this book was an eye opener. There Is no good team if the Fruits of the Spirit are not exercised. This book can aid you to deal with a whole lot of issues that come up in teams.
no words
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: If you are a new dancer or instructor, you need this book. Team work, fruits of the spirit, it takes you through steps and will help you with encounter in dance ministry
Cons: theirs no cons to this book! Amen
A MUST for all teams
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: easy to read and follow, Valuable information and easy to apply
Cons: none
A necessity
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Exactly what the title of the review reads...a necessity. Keep this book close to your side! For leaders, and dance ministry teams. This book takes you through the fruits of the spirit and how to really allow ourselves as individuals and team members to be under the Spirit's control and leading...and watch his name be completely glorified in ALL we do!
Inviting the SPIRIT OF LIFE
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Come and learn how to walk by the Holy Spirit! Riveting revelation of how The Spirit's “Joy and Peace”, along with His other gifts, will Empowers us, Touch and Impacts us. so that we can bring them into relationships with others! We learn how to share God;s Love with those we interact with though His gifts..
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is a very clear, concise and easy to read sources that every ministry should be exposed to in order to understand the importance of unity within a ministry that’s ministering before God and his people—until we all come into the unity of the faith. This book exemplifies what the Fruit of the Spirit looks like in a Terrific God focus Team!
Building Character!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is a very good book. Good character should be evident of God's gifts. In the Team Terrificus book, Pastor Lynn incorporated the Fruit of the Spirit. She spoke very strongly about all the Fruit of the Spirits are vital for us to represent the Kingdom of God! When we do we will develop Christ-like-fruit-remaining character.
Cons: None!
Learn How to Build a Dance Team
Pros: This book gives you the ins and outs of building a dance team that honors God in every aspect. Be blessed!
Team Terrificus - Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: You need to keep this book close by. If you are a leader in any capacity, this is the book for you. Tips and techniques in this book can really help you be prepared to handle any situation using the fruits of the spirit.
Sharing this one
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Team Terrificus Lynn has laid a foundation for a dance ministry. Great for team building, it is built on the Fruits of the Spirit filled with terrific tips for the dance leader and the team. Will gives a copy to a new dance leader
Terrific Book!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This book is inspired by the holy spirit! How else would Pastor Lynn write a book taken from Galatians 5:22 dealing with the fruit of the Spirit love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance and use these spirit principles to give instruction, wisdom, tips and techniques to make your worship dance team truly Team Terrificus!
Team Terrificus Book
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: I loved this book. What a heartwarming way to teach how to have a great team and to be a great leader. Love the inspiration and advice given
Great Book for Team and Leader
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Very resourceful on keeping the direction of God in your ministry!
Am I called?
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: As an administrator of Music Workshops, All of this material is covered in the class portion of event. We have focused on the fruits of the spirit and things that would hinder praise and worship. It is almost the same information. I would recommend this book to anyone ministering during the raise and Worship service as mandatory material to read.
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: How wise and creative of author Lynn Hayden to begin this book with a definition of TEAM and TERRIFICUS leading the readers to focus on the nine fruits of The Holy Spirit in our pursuit of team participation in dance worship ministry. This book is a must have for any worship team leader or member!
Easy Read-- Easy to Implement Wisdom
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is a quick and easy read that provides practical and easy-to-implement biblical wisdom to develop the character and unity of your dance ministry team. The book uses the 9 fruits of the spirit to categorize these practical tips and techniques for leaders as well as for team members. The way the chapters are organized, this book can easily be used as a team devotional before practice or as a handy reference guide. Even though I have been a dance leader for 12 years now, I still learned a few good nuggets of wisdom. Great resource!
Cons: none
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This product meets expectations. The tips and suggestions would be helpful for a dance team leader to make their life easier. The application is a good tool for avoiding conflict in a group of people.
Terrific Wisdom for Dance Ministry!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: I found the principles of this book from Galatians 5: 16-26 to be very helpful in working with different personalities that make up a dance team. Valuable for dance ministry leaders and members at anytime and very easy to read and understand!
Cons: none
Pros: Can I just say that this book was amazing and that’s it? That pretty much sums it up for me. I loved the balance of pointing us to the word, the tying of dance and team participation to the fruits of the spirit and the very practical advice and tips for implementation.
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Great book with great tips to apply to your dance team or social life on applying the fruits of the Spirit in Team concepts.
Cons: NONE
Practical Leadership
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: Do you have a new team or looking for help with your existing team? "Team Terrificus" provides sound, biblical wisdom to develop the leader within you and the character of your team. Using the 9 fruits of the spirit this book provides practical and easily applicable tips and techniques for leaders and team members. I found answers to many of the issues that had risen on my team within the pages of my book, and my team became stronger and more effective as we learned the principles together and applied them. It is a very easy read and is organized so that you can easily use it as a reference guide, which is precisely how I've used it for over 4 years.
"Team Terrificus"
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: “Team Terrificus” is a great resource for worship dance leaders as well as their team members to help resolve or prevent common dance team issues and concerns by applying wisdom found in Galatians 5: 16-26, through the "Fruits of the Spirit"!
Team Terrificus - Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is awesome when relating to teams. Growing in the fruit of the Spirit is the key to a terrific team. Not only that, but it is the key to touching lives and changing lives through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Cons: None
Team Terrificus Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Do you have a dance team? Are you considering to lead a team? Then this book is for you. This book will help you to have a healthy unified team.
Cons: None
Team Terrific
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: I love this book. This book presents the fruits of the spirit from the bible and explains how they are related to team issues.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is a gem! It will help you become a better team leader, teaching you how to lead dance in the church but also how to grow with your team in the Fruits of the Spirit! I will always keep this book near by because it will serve a go to in almost every situation regarding team unity!
“A Timeless Handbook”
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I see this book as a handbook to be reread and referred to frequently as a reminder for growth in my life and in assisting a team in growing together as Holy Spirit uses the scriptures and tips and techniques to guide us. The tips and techniques can be used in countless situations and remain timeless for character growth and development. This is a “must have” book for those who want to be on a dance team.
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I will not only recommend this book to new dance leaders and team members to read but to other leaders and teams outside of the dance ministry as well. Team Terrifcus gives excellent instructions on how to lead for those who are new to leadership and for building a strong team.
Team Terrificus - Book
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: Want a team that is terrific? This book is a great resource! I would recommend this book not only for leaders, but anyone who is part of a team/family. There are so many helpful tips that are based on the heart of God through the Fruit of the Spirit, that can be applied to all relationships.
Team Terrificus - Book
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: Could not put this book down and completed it in one reading. Excellent resource and guide for anyone in dance ministry. Pastor Lynn shares how the fruit of the spirit are important in unifying a dance team.
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: I thoroughly enjoyed this book! It is extremely insightful and would be very helpful for anyone on a dance team or a dance team leader!
A MUST READ!!!!!!!!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is a book that will remain relevant throughout generations. Pastor Lynn did a great job tying of the fruit of the Spirit (scripture) to practical aspects of being a part and/or leading a team. Hopefully a revised and expanded edition is in the works with additional insights, testimonies, tips & techniques that have been experienced/shared since this book was first published.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I absolutely loved this book! It is amazing how Past Lynn applied the nine fruits of the Spirit to actual dance team situations. This book is a must have for any type of dance team.
Team Terrific Book
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: I enjoyed reading this book. It was simple and to the point. I felt like I could easily apply these tips to my ministry.
Inspiring read!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book provides a biblically based vision for Christian worship dance teams of any age and denomination. It describes key biblical principles to align with in worship dance teams, and provides a clear purpose and framework around how to build a solid team culture.
Team Terrificus - book
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: Personally, this book literally took the veil off my face and opened my eyes and spirit to a whole new approach to team work, leadership and group management led by the holyspirit. this book is a must have for every artistic minister. thank you Pst Lynn.
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Team Terrificus is a quick read book filled with practical advice on how a godly dance leader and team function as one in Christ. The author discusses the nine fruits of the Spirit from Galations 5:16-26 to show how love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control build up the dance leader and team into a close knit community exemplifying the body of Christ. There are many easily implemented suggestions to help make your dance time more productive .
Counsel Terrificus!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Team Terrificus is a book about dance worship teams, with scriptures and discussion and tips, to help guide the way to have a loving and unified group, that will flow and serve the Lord with their art. Pastor Lynn Hayden raises many of the key issues that arise when serving on or leading a team and the level of discipleship commitment that is required. She shares from her heart and her years of experience the possibility of beauty when brothers and sisters create and serve in agreement. The book focuses on worship dance teams and, though there are indeed some issues that are specific to dance, having served on music teams for more than 20 years - any worship team could be blessed and benefit from the good counsel of this book.
Team Terrificus - Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Excellent book!! I like the way Pastor Lynn presents this book. Each chapter is based on one part of the fruit of the Spirit. Real life examples of situations are presented as examples and how to deal with them. The book is easy to read and understand. I like how this covers some items that Pastor Lynn presents at the Dancing For Him conferences.
Team Terrificus Review
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: Team Terrificus was required reading (along with an essay about it) for every new member of the Harvest Dance Company that I led for a season. I loved reading what they selected to focus on in their essay – usually a paragraph or two. The book really covered what the team could expect from me and clearly established what I (and church leadership) expected from them.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is a good reference book, one that I recommend for every team leader and member to read.
Cons: none
Pros: This is a good reference book, one that I recommend for every team leader and member to read.
Cons: none
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Listening to the Spirit of God and applying the fruit of the Spirit is so important when working with any team. Although Lynn makes reference to working with dance teams, I would recommend this book for anyone and especially for those in a leadership position. The concepts in this book can and should be applied to everyone.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Listening to the Spirit of God and applying the fruit of the Spirit is so important when working with any team. Although Lynn makes reference to working with dance teams, I would recommend this book for anyone and especially for those in a leadership position. The concepts in this book can and should be applied to everyone.
WOW! So much good stuff in shuch a small book.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: From my own experiences, I can say that Pastor Lynn’s Book Team Terrificus is an excellent resource for any team and should be added to your Teams Library. Even after having learned some concepts the hard way I still gained much useful insight from the book and will share with my praise dance team and feel confident that they will as well.
Cons: None
Team Terrificus Terrific
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is terrific! It is filled with wisdom on how to display the fruit of the spirit as team leader and member.
team terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: All dance leaders should have this book as a requirement for all team members to read ,study and discuss. The detailed way of how we can walk in the Spirit when you are called to dance and are part of a dance team is so simply taught through bible verses ,activating the Fruit of the Spirit in us .After reading this book there's no way to give way to our flesh but only the Christ in us will manifest.
team terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: All dance leaders should have this book as a requirement for all team members to read ,study and discuss. The detailed way of how we can walk in the Spirit when you are called to dance and are part of a dance team is so simply taught through bible verses ,activating the Fruit of the Spirit in us .After reading this book there's no way to give way to our flesh but only the Christ in us will manifest.
called to dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This hand book will bless you in ways that will quicken your understanding to receive this prophetic call to dance. Pastor Lynn's testimony by it's self I am sure will encourage you to pursue the call. I for 1 was asking God is this you God? Or is this me? you will receive insight to your call to dance
Cons: none
team terrifucs
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: We can all use some guidence and some teaching of how to lead the people, build relationship and workout conflicts. This is the book teaching for that. Leading people is a service and we need structure to hear the voice of God on the hows to deal with the people. there are activities and tools we all need to accomplish that and Pastor Lyn with allll her experience has it all wrapped up in this book for you, truly is a blessing to have in my tool box
Cons: none
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is a must have for any dance ministry that wants to truly exhibit the fruit of the Spirit and convey the heart of God through Worship.
So many jewels inside!
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: Wow! All I can see is wow! Pastor Lynn Haden’s Team Terrificus Book is fantastic. Truly. As a person starting her journey as a worship dancer, this book gives me encouragement to continue on. There are so many jewels inside, it’s hard to know where to start.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: All i can say is tha this book is vital i mean VITAL for any dance leader or dance member of a team. I truly love this book. Im using it with the dance team at our church and we are speaking of the fruit of the spirit one per month to really digest and start acting upon what we are learning again this book is vital....
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is AMAZING it is s great tool for any dance ministry or leader of a dance ministry. It teaches you through the fruit of the spirit and how it coincides with dance. Alone with this book I would say that you should get the video Called to Dance the 2 go hand in hand.
Wow! We are the fruit of the Spirit!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: What an awesome book to read as a member or leader of a dance team! This book is awesome in teaching us the character in which we should have in order for God to pour out His spirit on and thru us thru the fruits of the spirit. Fruits of the spirit that our character should reflect are love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, & self-control. The book is an easy read but very powerful and deep!
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: Team Terrificus is a fantastic book. In this book that goes along with the called to dance dvd it speaks of integrity, character and helps one know how to become a great leader as well as a righteous Christian. I recommend the purchase of this for anyone who loves God and wants to live a life pleasing to him!
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: As a worship team leader, I've always searched materials to help our members grow spiritually, but I couldn't seem to be satisfied until I read "team terrificus"! Pastor Lynn combines fruit of the Spirit as guidance to cope with common dance team issues. This handbook lcan be used as a daily devotional material for worshipers to live out more Christ like outside the church.
Best Dance Leader's Guide
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is the most valuable guide for dance team leaders and dance teams. It can be used as a study and/or devotional for the team or for anyone preparing their heart to minister to the Lord in dance. Lynn Hayden explores the practical application of the fruit of the Spirit so the team ministers in a terrific way according to the Word of God. Outstanding!
Cons: None
Excellent book
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This is a amazing book to read Pastor Lynn Hayden give us good information.I do recommended this tols to all dancers leaders ,it could be used has a guide lines for your ministry five stars.....
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: It is a simple read yet very applicable to leaders of dance ministries. It is also very profound in ways of applying the Fruit of the Spirit to each area of our lives that can be molded by God through our service.
Team Terrificus: a Must to have for each member of your team.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Team Terrificus: a Must to have for each member of your team. Really ! So many times we ask ourselves "how to act with them according to the Lord of the Fruit of the Spirit?". This book is your answer. Perfect for dance leaders and members. Thi is a guide on team building and have a God given dance ministry.
Team Spirit
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: what a wonderful book to have whether you starting up a dance ministry or seasoned ministry.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is a very good book especially for people that want to start a dance ministry or want to be part of one.It emphasize areas of character base on the fruit of the Spirit and also gives a lot of good tips
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: What an awesome learning tool for an type of ministry you are wanting to start. Great for your ministry foundation.
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is an amazing book. It is easy to read and focuses on team unity in the dance ministry. It is an excellent tool for dance leaders and dance teams in focusing on exemplifying the fruits of the Spirit and avoiding potential team problems. Pastor Lynn Hayden gives many tips and techniques through her dance experience as dance member and leader.
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: I LOVE this book. This book serves as a guide on team building & how to be an effective leader. With biblical principles you can't go wrong!
Cons: None
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Did you know that as dance ministers and leaders that we are called to grow the Fruits of the Spirit in our ministry? This is what the Team Terrificus book teaches us. Not only does Pastor Lynn Hayden go through and teach about each Fruit of the Spirit but she also gives you many tips, techniques, and nuggets of wisdom that will help you to become not only a better dance team leader but also a better dance team member. Highly recommend this book as a tool and reference for dance ministry.
Absolutely Terrific!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Learn from one who has experienced the ups and downs of being both a Team Leader and Team Member. Lynn Hayden’s book “Team Terrificus” provides insight and guidance on how to be a great leader or an obedient and respectful member of the team. Be blessed in this discovery of valuable information to include the Fruits of the Spirit in relation to a dance ministry.
Helpful Resource
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Team Terrificus is a great book about using the Fruit of the Spirit in dance ministry. The author, Lynn Hayden, gives real life examples on how to use each Fruit of the Spirit in situations that you may encounter as either a dance leader or a dancer in a ministry. There were many tips in the book that I could use and relate to! I recommend this book for anyone in a dance ministry!
Wow! Great tips for a successful Dance team!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: You want to know more about the Fruit of the Spirit, please make yourself a favor get this small but powerful Book! This book has really amazing tips for those who wants to have a team that not only wants to Dance with beautiful movement of adoration to the Lord; but also with purity of Heart, with unity and harmony within their teams!!
Great teachings!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is a great book for anyone with a team not just a dance team either. It first starts out with talking about the book's name. When your team works together it can cause great fear in the enemy. Wow, that is awesome! This would even work for your family.
Cons: none
Wisdom to Effective Ministry
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: The Team Terrificus book by book by Pastor Lynn Hayden gives you wisdom , guidance, principals on how to effectively work in excellence as a member or leader using the fruits of the spirit and with great examples , and biblical scriptures. This is a great read and fantastic book to purchase.
Cons: None
This is a book I truly cherish.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Team Terrificus is an amazing book. It is infused with tips and advice which will help any dance team to be truly let by the spirit. The book is a lesson in the fruits of the spirit and will help bring about team unity. In all honesty, this book has been an eye opener for me. This book will teach a leader how to better lead the team. At the same time, it has shown me how to be a better team member.
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: This book is amazing! It is a book that can be utilized by leaders, dancers and ministry or anyone who wants helpful insight into managing a great dance team. This book can help someone be an effective leader, someone who is new to leadership and also help build a strong team.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is amazing in that it is a book that can be utilized by leaders, dancer, prophetic artists, singers, and minstrels. We are work together in honoring God with our gifts and talents. This book is instrumental to the theme of Unity which is backed by scripture. The key to maintaining a harmonious lifestyle that exudes the character of Christ-The Fruit of the Spirit.
Team Terrificus -Book
Length of ownership: 0-1 day
Pros: Just as its downloadable version this is book has Great strengthening exercises and they are very well presented by Pastor Lynn and her demonstrators.t book.
Team Terrificus - Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: The Team Terrificus book goes hand-in-hand with the Called to Dance video and is also based on Galatians 5:22-23. The nine Fruit of the Spirit, namely, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness goodness, and self-control talk about how different aspects of our attitude should be on worshiping God rather than focusing on our own capabilities. One of the problems that recurs in a dance team is that members have a wide variety of skill levels, and this can be awkward. Shifting our focus to God enables open communication and increased unity.
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: This book is the answer to every ones prayers who needs the knowledge and the wisdom to be an effective leader and for someone who is new to leadership and build a strong team. Pastor Lynn address the issues that are common in all dance ministries and uses the Fruits of the Spirit to show you how to handle situations and to avoid problems
Team Terrificus-Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: The book is beautifully organized around the 9 fruits of Spirit and how we can apply them in making terrific teams. A must have for worship dance leaders, team members, or anyone wanting to grow in Chirst and further embody the fruits of the Spirit in our lives.
Team terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Great ministry too for dance leaders and team menbers.ll
Team Terrificus-Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is an amazing book. I will apply it not only to my dance team but everyday life. Thank you so much.
Cons: None
Team Terrificus-Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is an amazing book. I will apply it not only to my dance team but everyday life. Thank you so much.
Cons: None
Team Terrificus -Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: What an inspiring book on the concepts of having a terrific dance team and applying the nine fruits of the Spirit. It is definitely a must read for dance team members and leaders!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Must read!! Anyone can benefit from this book with application Fruit of the Spirit in action.
Team Terrificus - Book
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: Wow, this is an amazing book. I love how Pastor Lynn breaks down the nine (9) fruits of the spirit and combines them with team concepts. It took me to another spiritual level and I feel more spiritually prepared to handle common issues within a dance ministry.
Cons: None
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: wow !! This book has brought so much understanding and clarity to me as why the 9 fruits of spirit is so vital for having a successful dance team !
Team Terrificus Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is awesome and great to use to teach the 9 Fruits of the Spirit for a dance team or a Sunday School class. A must have for all dancers and leaders and it goes well with Lynn's Called to Dance DVD. It will be a great resource to turn to often.
Cons: None
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I believe that the Holy Spirit has inspired the advice written in this book. It is comforting to know that the He has a plan for how to deal with common issues and intricacies of a team. He desires to bring order so that He can be magnified!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I found "Team Terrificus" to be an outstanding book. Pastor Lynn teaches on the 9 Fruits of the Spirit in regards to leadership and team membership. It is full of great tips and I know I will be sharing this book with my team leaders and dance team members.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: A guide book to read and re-read for yourself and dance team members. Pastor Lynn teaches about the 9 Fruits of the Spirit through Scriptures and every day examples. She offers tips and techniques applicable for both new and mature Christians.
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book all about the fruits of the Holy Spirit in relation to God,Team and people is a instruction guide book to always have as a light to your path of dance. the tips and guidance and wisdom on how to handle situations with exemplifying the fruits of the Holy Spirit is valuable.
Cons: none
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is a great resource to have whether you're a leader or a team member. It's filled with awesome tips and techniques combined with the fruit of the spirit that will help you tremendously in your ministry and life in general.
team terrificus book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book has so much pertinent information in it. This will be your 'go-to' book for you and your ministry.
Team Terrificus book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is an excellent companion to the D DVD "Called to Dance," for both cover the fact that the Fruit of the Spirit--cultivating and utilizing the Fruit of the Holy One--is the answer to problems with dance teams; is the answer for solving problems in every human relationship, actually! I have no doubt that any team that follows the principles in this book can only be stronger for the LORD!
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This Book has all the guidelines you need to be a better leader.
Team Terrificus -Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Pastor Lynn addressed various questions she received over the years into this very relevant book by relating them to the Fruit of the Spirit with Tips & Techniques. This book is another outstanding resource from Pastor Lynn!
Cons: none.
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This little book is a treasure trove for any dance team seeking acceleration in spiritual maturity and love for the Lord and for one another.
Cons: None!
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Anyone desiring to be a leader this book is a must have!
Team Terrificus - Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: The Team Terrificus book is a great foundation for all members of the dance team, a great book for a dance team to study together. This book will teach the leader and team to operate in the Fruit of the Spirit with one another.
Awesome Tool!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This book is amazing. It takes you through each fruit of the spirit and encourages you to examine yourself. It is a great resource for both team leaders and team members.
Team Terrificus Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I appreciated the practical examples and tips of how to apply the fruits of the spirit in my dance team.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I enjoyed this book. The book provided you with information on uses of "Fruits of the Spirits" and many other tips to movitave your team in become a" Terrificuc Team".
Cons: none
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: This book is a must read for anyone contemplating joining a dance ministry or for anyone in dance leadership. Very valuable guidance for both the leader and the member.
Team Terrificus - Book
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Team Terrificus is a book that will challenge you through the work of the fruit of the Spirit. I know for myself I was challenged through the fruit of the spirit of patience. What fruit of the Spirit will challenge you?
Team Terrificus - Book
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: As a prerequisite before joining the ministry, every member should possess a copy of “Team Terrificus” and be required to read the book. Team Terrificus is not only for dancers, it is a must have for every leader and team member of a ministry. It is a great book for everyday spiritual life especially since it is based from Galatians 5:16-26: Fruit of Spirit.
Team Terrificus-Book
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: This book is a must have when beginning a team or if you need support with your team. It is so wonderful how Pastor Lynn connects the fruits of the spirit with dance ministry. Such a great source to help support unity.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: You want to grow as a leader or just as a member on a team this is the book. She breaks it down beautifully for a leader and for a member it's a must have. Even if your team is doing great. Keep your spirit polish with this book.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: What I like most about the Team Terrificus book was the call to unity, discipline and responsibility. I appreciated Pastor Lynn going into depth about having the right heart motivation. This book is a most inspiring self assessment, provoking a journey that brings about a positive change.
Team Terrificus Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I have used the Team Terrificus book as a development tool in dance ministry and love how it emphasizes the importance of developing spiritual fruit within one’s self in order to be able to have successful interactions with others.
Team Terrificus Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is a tool to help anyone who is part of a dance group, especially for those who are leaders. It shows the importance of manifesting fruit of the spirit in us and bless our lives like this. Also in a practical way gives us some advice on how we dress, accessories, among other things before a presentation. I recommend it greatly.
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book reiterates for me the importance of using the Fruits of the Spirit passage as a guide. The tips and techniques sections are extremely helpful with tips on handling some important issues to guide and keep the team focused on what's most important.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Practical, Biblically based teaching for building a unified dance team
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I like the cover picture on the Team Terrificus book. It reminds me of people who were once bound by their flesh but are now free and walking in the Fruit of the Spirit to worship God in unity. The concepts in this book will help me to discover the freedom I need to help others who are bound.
Team Tips-Book-Very helpful!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Team Terrificus by Pastor Lynn M. Hayden is an amazing guideline to anyone who wants to start a dance ministry or to help guide an existing dance ministry. She gives you great advice on different circumstances that arise during ministry. This book is a must have for any dance ministry!!
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is really much help in all groups, it is interesting to recognize who has not had a problem but if we work on our dying flesh and letting the Holy Spirit work in us, we develop the character of Christ is a good choice the disadvantages. This book helped me review each fruit of the spirit and easily understood much mejo.Excelente book!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This book made me realize how important we need to be under the umbrella of Christ and direction before we minister. I realized the importance of each role as a dance leader and members of the dance group must the same goals in our movements, which is to bring glory to Christ.
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Every dance ministry teacher and student should read this book, again and again. Inside Team Terrificus we learn that as spirit filled believers we have a responsibility to build character. The fruit of the Spirit and good character should be as evident as His gifts that are shown through our dance. Journey through each fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives and learn how to apply each one in practical situations. This book takes you beyond hearing the word, but to doing the word. Awesome! Thank you Pastor Lynn!
Team terrificus
Pros: I find that that Team Terrificus is a bedside book any dance team member must keep by his/her bedside. I know I will. And any leader will greatly benefit from the lessons, as they guide our attitude with everybody, first God, then others and finally self. I like the fact that self is at the end, as a way to reflect at the end of the day on our attitudes towards God an others. The cover is nice as well.
Cons: None
Pros: I love this book! I’ve never heard about the 9 spiritual fruits of the spirit described in the context of worship dance leadership and member success! What an eye-opening read! Truly, our relationship with God determines the fruit we bear! This book goes hand in hand with the DVD “Called to Dance,” and is an excellent read for anyone interested in how our personal character impacts the integrity of a worship dance team.
team Teffificus
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This book is a must have for every dance minister ....especially the leaders. it has excellent tips and Vidal information . for all aspect of the dance ministry. amazing
Cons: none
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: What I loved about this book was that I was reading it for one purpose and before I finished the purpose had change. This is a book about creating a team mindset with in your ministry. And it it full with great tips on how to run your ministry more efficiently. But as I read it I started to ask myself what kind of team player am I. As a leader we have to lead by example I run late all the time so how can I ask my members to be on time if I am not. This is a must have for all leaders not only will your ministry be blessed you will be also
team terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is the best book I know for being on a team and how to relate to all those in the team of life as well. How can the Fruit of the spirit be applied to your situation, love it
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is a treasure for anyone serious about leading a dance team! I would say it is a must have!
Team Tips - Book
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: An amazing book on the Fruits of the Spirit and how it relates to the dancer. How the impact of being Spirit lead rather than working in the flesh can glorify God in the Dance. This book gives practical tips on how to grow your fruit in your life impacting your dance team.
Practical and Biblical
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: These team tips are both super practical while pointing me to the heart attitude a worship dancer needs to have. This is a great book for a dance team to study together. It could head off many problems before they happen and establish a basis for a team to work together in harmony.
Team Tips - Book - Very Helpful
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: It's nice to know you are not the only one dealing with stuff on your team. I absolutely loved the definition of Team Terrificus - very powerful. This book is a must have for every dance leader/team.
Cons: None
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: I truly enjoyed this book! It has a great way to incorporate the Fruit of the Spirit and the team together. It is a win, win situation for all! Excellent read!
Great Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: The Team Terrificus book is a great foundation for all members of the dance team at anyone’s church. Laying down the groundwork for the team with the Fruits of the Holy Spirit is an ideal way to let points be known to all members of the team, whether leader or follower, to allow both sides to understand where they should be, or at least make goals for themselves (on a personal level).
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: A very helpful primer on activating the fruits of the Spirit and applying them to worship dance team dynamics. There will be many challenges as a team works towards a common (choreographed dance) and this book emphasizes how displaying spiritual attitudes can help a team to flow in the anointing.
Cons: None
A must have for leaders and team members
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I really appreciated how the fruit of the Spirit is related to team aspects such as attitude, relationships, and conduct. This book should be one of the first books that a team should read together. There are very good tips of wisdom offered to help prevent confusion in a group.
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: The Team Terrificus Book (which wonderfully compliments the Called To Dance DVD) is a great resource to have. The principles that are taught are truly invaluable and not only apply to the ministry of dance, but every other area of life as well. I would highly recommend this book to any worship dancer, team member and ministry leader.
Cons: None
Pros: Team Terrificus is a must have book for a dance ministry leader or a dance team member. In fact, it is a useful book for anybody in leadership that wants sound Biblical advice on how to display and exemplify the Fruits of the Spirit in their life and their ministry. It is one of those books that you will keep in a handy place on your bookshelf because you will go back to it and it's Biblical wisdom often. Pastor Lynn provides many scriptures to meditate on and practical suggestions for how to bring these Fruits to life, specifically in a dance ministry.
Team Terrificus Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I love how this book equates dance ministry leadership and teamwork skills to exemplifying the fruit of the spirit and character development. All of us need to be frequently reminded that we are to demonstrate the transforming power of Christ within our own lives and ministry.
Team Tips
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is a must have book recommend it to every leader and the team members to have this book in your library.
Cons: None
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Really enjoyed all the tips! I brought this book to my Dance Cell group and each week we read about a different Fruit of the Spirit! We each read a paragraphe then we share about what we read! It's an excellent way to not only be on the same page but to have an open communication! A must have!!!
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: Team Terrificus is a thought-provoking book. A treasure-trove of wisdom lies within its pages, addressing all types of problems that arise among dance team members. If you are searching for answers, this book has got them.
Team Terrific-US!!!!!
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: This book gave me great insight to handling all types of questions and situations to make our dance team a Team Terrific-US!! as renames by my kid dancers. It teaches using biblical passages that is easy to understand and apply. These principles can be applied to more than a dance team. It can be applied to ALL wals of life. Great job!!!
Cons: None
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Wonderful book! This is a "must have" for leaders of dance teams as well as the members. This book will humble you and help you to remember why you are dancing for the Lord.
Team Tips Book
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: I loved this book! I enjoyed the team tips given and felt they were very helpful and easy to apply. I also loved the way she used the Fruit of the Spirit to help and assist with the issues that can come up in dance ministry. This is a book not only for dance ministry but all ministries.
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Team Terrificus is a great book for dance leaders and members alike. In this book Lynn Hayden gives valuable tips from her own real life experience leading a dance team. Pastor Lynn uses The Fruit of the Spirit (Galatian 5:16-26) as the foundation for the tips to bring any spirit-led worship dance team on one accord. The Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Pastor Lynn provides tips which are organized according to each virtue in three parts: Attitude toward God and team, Social relationships on & off the Team, and Principles guiding conduct. This book is full of wisdom and practical approaches to help a dance leader or a member of a dance team stay focused on the main thing, Jesus Christ. What I love about Team Terrificus is that it is written not only for the dance team but to enhance a believer’s walk with the Lord. This book can be used as a devotional for an individual dancer or for a dance team’s Bi
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: I highly recommend this book, it is the best tool I've seen for dealing with team issues. It is full of great tips and advise and includes the principles of the fruit of the spirit, that you will find helpful in many situations. I loved this book!
Team Terrificus Review down load
Length of ownership: 0-1 day
Pros: This book is an explosive reality of what it takes to walk in the spirit and not fulfill the lust of the flesh ( Gal 5:16). This book should be a MANDATORY read for every leader and team member. This book is fueled with tips on developing a healthy spirit filled dance team. I cannot express enough how vital this book is. This is a must read! A must read! A must read!
Cons: none
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: If you would like a peek into the mindset of your team members and tips that would help you to build a positive culture among your dance team, then Team Terrificus is for you! It will assist you with setting realistic expectations and leave you feeling like a more confident leader. On top of that, the content is biblically based and leaves you with pearls of wisdom and a lot of understanding.
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Don't settle for anything less than an excellent dance team! This book will guide you through each fruit of the Spirit and instill excellence in yourself and every member of your team! Awesome!
Cons: None
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: This book encourages and inspires us to develop our christian character according to Gal 5:16-26 and will help you lead a great dance team
A must have for leaders!
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: An excellent resource for anyone that desires to be a Godly leader of a dance ministry. Having a relationship with the Holy Spirit & a heart of worship are key. This book has many tips on how to be a Godly leader and avoid a lot of conflict and confusion. Awesome for current or aspiring leaders.
Team Terrificus Book Review
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Love the basis of this book for teaching team concepts using Fruits of the Spirit - could build on each fruit to create devotions for team!
Team Terificu
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: What a wonderful book to inspire not only a dance ministry team, personal dance ministry or even everyday life. This is a must have addition to anyone wanting to increase their walk with God and minister more effectively through dance.
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: What a great book for teams in all stages of development! Team growth and general principles of working with others is exptessed through the fruits of the spirit. Tips and Techniques discussed are relevant to any ministry team.
Team Terrificus Review
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book really helped me become more centered in union with the Holy Spirit. All the time that I spend learning new terms, new movements and practicing really doesn’t compare to the growth in my character and development of Christ like fruit. It is like feasting on the fruits of the Spirit and allowing each one to fill you more and more. The definitions of each and tips and team work techniques really draw you into His presence!
Cons: none
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is a fabulous resource for team leaders and members. Valuable tips and techniques are shared within the definitions and scripture references to the fruit of the spirit. No matter if you are just starting out, or have been part of a team for years, this book is a great tool for everyone.
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book was very well and thoughtfully written. It is definitely a must have for any team member or leader in a dance ministry! It allows us to understand how to flow as a team in the Holy Spirit.
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: What a wonderful, must-have book for any team member or team leader! There are very important concepts presented as they relate to the fruit of the spitit!
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is a wonderful book on incorporating the fruit of the spirit into the ministry of dance. There are very practical tips for leaders and team members about how to operate in the gifts and how to beware of the works of the flesh that may try to arise in dance ministries. This is a must have for every dance team leader!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Pastor Lynn uses one of the most effective means of dealing with conflict period by applying the fruits of Spirit. You never have to fear conflict again instead, allow God through HIS Spirit to use it for you good instead!
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Combining the fruit of the spirit as a foundation to build on, along with scripture and valuable tips for building a ministry team that is pleasing to God, this is one powerful book! This book will help to foster spiritual growth in your team.
Team Tips Book
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This book is AWESOME and every Dance Leader/Danced should read it. It really helps break down the do's and don'ts of being on a dance team. Very depth and informational. I recommend for anyone who needs to know their place on a dance team. When you are done reading, you will surely know "decent & order" mean when pertaining to the team!!!
Team Terrif
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: Team Terrificus is a great tool for a ministry whether starting out having been in existence for some time. Tips based on the fruits of the spirit makes it easy to remember how to organize the ministry, react or not react to team member/leader and how to treat the ministry, members, and/or the leader. I have had each team member read the book in the past and plan on having them read it again, especially new members.
Team Tips - Book
Pros: This book could be your Dance Ministry Handbook! It is very proactive and could save countless hours of working though any issues your team may have.
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: This book is a really beautiful way to share on Unity – teamwork and a group committed to one another rather than striving or having a competitive spirit. I love the way it is written about the fruits of the spirit and how Lynn ties in these as great teachings and examples for us with dance ministries. This manner of teaching helps to bring us all on the same level to have common ground and understanding from all the positions of being a leader or a new member – we are all on the same team and purpose to serve the Lord and minister to His body.
Cons: none
Team Tips - Book - Very Helpful!
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: Team Terrificus should be a required reading/study before you begin your dance ministry and also for those that feel they have been called to be a team member. Making it a requirement will give them some idea of what to expect being part of a team. You could also use this to put together some guidelines for the ministry making sure we exemplify God in our character and toward others.
Cons: None
Team Tips
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: The Team Terrificus is a wonderful book for anyone starting up a dance ministry. As a leader it prepares one for the pros and cons that occur in this particular ministry. Learn how to apply the Fruit of the Spirit to build closer relationship with your dance team while resolving conflicts and confusion. Team Tips book is a definite must have!
Cons: None
No I in team
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Establishing a healthy praise dance ministry team is very important. This book uses the fruit of the spirit to cover a wide variety of solutions to struggles that you could be experiencing on your team. Need help with a gossip or just how to approach your team on the proper attire? This book gives you biblical tips as well as personal experiences on how to cover issues such as these. While there is no I in team, there is an "i" in ministry and we must each do our part to make ministering to God's people edifyiing! An outstanding book for each member of your team.
Cons: none.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This wonderful book was inspired by the many problems that leader were finding in their dance ministries. After years of giving advice about these issues that were a lack of walking in the fruits of the Spirit, Pastor Lynn wrote this book to help leaders and their team member to be successful in being a team.
Cons: none
Team Terrificus Book
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: I really enjoyed this book. How to handle situations and the what to do is a big help.
Cons: none
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book has ministered to me personally to watch my heart attitude. I have used it to minister to others, dancers and non-dancers. There are many tips that are helpful for leaders. Good for any ministry
Cons: none
Team Terrificus book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: A Must Have for any dance team! I've gained more insight into what specific elements make up a strong dance ministry team. I will definitely be implementing this resource into my ministry.
Cons: none
Coming Together
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Even though this book is directed at dance ministry, the first place I applied it was to my family relationships. Applying fruits of the spirit in the context of building our family team is bringing us closer together.
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Lynn's Team Terrificus book is a must for leading and building a team, your team will reflect all the fruits of the spirit. Your pieces will be effective as your team ministers to the congregation. Lynn's book is flooded with guidance and conduct on and off the team.
Cons: none
Team Terrificus Book
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: Pastor Lynn has beautifully put together the heart of God from the prospective of the fruit of the Spirit and relating it to how it can be applied to basic team concepts. An unhindered team will make the enemy fear, and as a unified front they will attain victory over the enemy. This can only be accomplished by each team member allowing the Holy Spirit of God to totally rule and reign in their life.
Cons: None
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: If anyone is interested in starting a dance team, Team Terrificus is a good resource book. Starting a ministry of any sort can be difficult. Not that the book will solve all your problems, Lynn has great tips that can assist in keeping a team together.
Cons: none
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This book addressed some of the most common issues that dance teams and their leaders face. It offers great advice on maintaing healthy relationships both with God and within the dance team. There are wonderful reminders on how to address issues or avoid them all together by applying principals of the fruit of the spirit.
Cons: n/a
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Every dance leader should have Team Terrificus in their library. This book is filled with pearls of wisdom that will assist dance leaders in unifying their team. After you read Team Terrificus, the enemy will be sorry he ever tried to bring confusion and discord your way.
Cons: none
Team Tips Book-Very Helpful!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Great enlightenment to teams and individuals alike wanting to minister effectively in the fruit of Spirit.
Cons: none
Team Tips
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book will definitely weed out your garden and fertilize the soil of your heart! It addresses major issues that we all face as team members and team leaders. Sure to help you bear much GOOD fruit. Encouraging!
Cons: None
Team Terrificus book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is a great reminder to any worship dancer of the importance of tending the garden of our hearts, calling on Jesus to grow His fruit in us. The condition of our hearts will overflow into our ministries. I found this book to address many questions and helpful tips that pertain to a worship dance team.
Cons: none
Team Terrificus Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I would recommend this resource for all leaders and dance teams alike to study as a group. I would also suggest having this resource become required reading to new dance team members before they are allowed to minister with the group. I myself will assign this book to all my junior dancers and require them to mentor at least one newcomer to the studio in order to make sure the team is cohesive and all of one accord.
Cons: None.
team terrifuc
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: As christians we are to demonstrate the fruits of the Spirit. Wow this is very helpful individually and for teams. A must for a leader!
Cons: None
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Team Terrificus book is a reminder for all of us (leaders and/or team members) of how important is to exercise the fruit of the Spirit and apply it to different situations when it’s needed. It's a great resource for leaders who are seeking to develop or reinforce their teams’ character as well.
Cons: None
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Team Terrificus offers bibical based advice to directors of dance ministries on how to operate in the fruit of the spirit when directing and leading a dance team.
Cons: None
team terrificau
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This is a terrific book! It gives you tips and techniques. Also scriptures and pure wisdom on how to be a leader and have fruit of the spirit. I loved this As you ingest the team concepts and devour the fruit of the Spirit, may this booklet be an appetizer to your full meal of spiritual potential and team growth! Amen! There are many more amazing insights!
Cons: none
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I love how this teaching is grounded on the fruits of the Spirit. When we use this as a teaching tool for our dance teams and follow the wise counsel given, it will help us to "nip problems in the bud"!A great tool for character growth.
Cons: none
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Looking at the fruit of the Spirit as it relates to working with teams is a great way to think about my role on a team. I like the examples that Lynn has given from her experience of how the fruits of the Spirit can be applied to dance ministry and working as a team. This book is a good reminder to inspect the fruit that we are producing in our lives individually because it directly affects the fruit produced from o any team.
Cons: None
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: An Abundance of info and insight into concepts tips & techniques for successful leadership in a dance worship team !
Cons: None
Team Terrificus Book
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: An abundance of information & insight into concepts, tips, techniques for successful leadership & management of a worship dance team! Valuable must have for the worship dance teams !!!
Cons: None!
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Team Terrificus is divided into three parts that discuss applying the fruit of the Spirit to a dance team or ministry as a team leader or member. The book begins with the topic of your attitude of love, joy, and peace toward God and the team, followed by a discussion of social relationships within and outside of the ministry in part two, and completed in part three by reviewing how faithfulness, gentleness and self-control reinforce the teaching that has come before it.The reader will be encouraged by the practical tips, real life examples and techniques to help the dance ministry grow, avoid strife, confusion, and selfish competition while actively striving toward unity.
Cons: None. A must have book for any new dance ministry.
team terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Beautiful book that outlines several tips to have a healthy dance ministry by each learning team work and right attitude.
Cons: none
team tips book
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: The book has been very helpful and is an encouragement to me in developing the fruit of the spirit not only in the dance but also in other aspects of my life. It gives valuable advice about how to love and respect each other in the team. It also gives wise guidelines to avoid conflicts. It is definitely an essential foundation to set in any dance team so as to be in the right perspective of demonstrating the love of God. I used it as a foundation and shared the underlying principles with my dance team
Cons: None
Team Tips - Book - Very Helpful!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is a great book for everyone, but especially dance team leaders. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is unity, and the fruits of the Spirit! Lynn has learned through much experience how to have unity and thus, the fruits of the Spirit amongst dance teams!
Cons: none!
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: As for me,I love this book! It is so helpful for leaders and members in the dance ministry. It really breaks down the Fruit of the Spirit in such a way that is so helpful for our dance ministry. This book will bring unity to your dance ministry.
Cons: none
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: As for me, I love this book! It is so helpful for leaders and members in the dance ministry. It really breaks down the fruit of the spirit in such a spiritual way that is so helpful for our dance ministry. This book will bring unity to your dance ministry.
Cons: 0
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Team Terrificus book caused me to reflect on how the fruit of the Spirit affect every part of life, especially what it means to be a real team member. This knowledge shows how to develope the team and move forward with confidence. All information can be used as a spiritual quide, a road map of referrences in ministry.
Cons: none
Team Terrificus is terrifica!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: The Team Terrificus book by Lynn Hayden is a great little tool to give any dance team member or leader ideas they might not have thought about as being part of that team. It is grounded in how the fruit of the spirit can be and should be our gage regarding our attitudes, relationships, and conduct both on and off the dance team. I was very encouraged to read thru it and also know there are things I will be able to be more successful at as a dance team member/leader using tips and techniques from Team Terrificus.
Cons: None
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I believe this Team Terrificus is a must-read for anyone who is or wants to be in a dance ministry. It helps to bring understanding of the fruit of the Spirit and how it applies to issues that can arise frequently on teams. It will prepare anyone to be on a team, solve problems that have surfaced, and bring about unity so that the anointing of the Lord can flow through the team to reach the audience.
Cons: no cons
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: “Team Terrificus “is written in such a way that you feel you are sitting across the table over coffee chatting in person with Pastor Lynn. This book offers the balance of practical experience with tremendous insight into God’s word and the working of the Fruit of the Spirit - in us personally and then magnified through the ministry of the team.
Cons: None.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: "I liked how you used the “fruit of the spirit” to describe how our attitude, social relationships, and conduct should be toward one another. The tips and techniques were very helpful. As a dance member, I will definitely use this book as a guide."
Cons: 0
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: "Pastor Lynn Just a note to let you know that I had just received the TEAM Terrificus book and it has been the guide that I was looking for! It ministered to my heart and I will buy more to give to the dance ministry the Lord has entrust me. Thank you for writing such a good book! the tips and techniques were fantastic. Needless to say, it has been an inspiration to ALL of us...a very good teaching material for the leaders and members of the team."
Cons: 0
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: "Lynn, I have to tell you that I am using your Team Terrificus book as mandatory reading, as kind of a handbook, for our dance team. Also, I read it aloud to my husband, the other day. We both agree that it is truly applicable to EVERY area of life, not just dance. I am assigning reading and then I plan for us to discuss what we've read. I am slowly moving through the other wonderful materials that you have produced. There is so much valuable information and so much anointing".
Cons: 0
Team Terrificus
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: I found this book to be extremely informative. It encourages one to seek spiritual growth by desiring to grow in the fruit of the spirit! I highly recommend this must read book to all dance leaders and dance team ministries!!
Cons: N/A
Team Terrificus - Book
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This is yet another one of Pastor Lynn's books that I require my Dance Ministry to purchase. This book is a great tool to assist Ministry in keeping unity and order.
Cons: 0
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This book has been a blessing regarding my call to not only the ministry of dance but also on the fruit of the spirit of a servant with the mantle of leadership on her life. Â While I do a leadership position, this book has helped me put position into perspectiveThe tips and technique portion of the book is AWESOME!!!
Cons: n/a
Team Terrificus Book
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This book is a great resource for all dance team leaders to invest in. Anyone wishing to start or already has a dance team should not only read this book but have the entire team read this book to help with not only unity but help with the move of the Spirit amongst the team as a strong unit. This book is truly exceptional as it relates the team with the fruit of the Spirit.
Great Asset to build Ministries
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: I find this book a great resource to include as both a mandatory reading for teams, especially those who are just entering the team, as an inclusion to the guidelines to be set in a ministry. I currently am using this book as part of the requisites to be in the ministry I lead and develop and has brought great Holy Spirit led results, making the team more closely bonded, but also one which operates under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and seeks to remain and continue to develop the fruits of the Spirit so that when we minister, those show through us and extend to those being minister to. Excellent book!
Cons: I can't find anything wrong with this book at all.
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: The Team terrificus book gave me great detail of how I should walk in the fruit of the spirit while being a team member.
Cons: This book is very encouraging to Leaders and Dance Team members! It is very easy to read and understand.
Team Terrificus book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is a very useful guidance for an existing dance team or forming a new dance team for the glory of the Lord. I found it very impressive that the book taught me a lot about dance team leadership by truly exemplifying the fruit of the Holy Spirit. The tips and techniques are really useful for me to understand how to apply each fruit of the Spirit by example.
Terrific Book
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: I love how the Fruit of the Spirit is applied to the specific examples of situations on a team. These not only apply to a dance team but to all areas of our lives. It made it easy for me to see where my weaknesses are and where I need more "practice."
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