Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: An excellent tool to have in conjunction with the DVD. It is packed with so much information and you want to absorb all of it. Well, having both DVD and book will make it easier to take in all the information. It’s wonderful reading the book for yourself. You imagine Pastor Lynn reading it to you because she does in the Dance, Dance, Dance video. After watching the video and listening to how she breaks everything down, it makes reading the book pleasurable.
A Resourceful Tool for Studying Dance Movement in the Bible
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: A great resource for leaders and dance teams to use for word studies and choreographing dance movements and to expand their understanding of dance in the New and Old Testament.
Excellent Book!!!
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: If you love Hebrew and worshipping our Lord and Savior, this is the book for you to read!! I just can't get enough and pray you will be blessed as you read it and put the words into action through dance!!
What an amazing read!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I was so thrilled to learn of all of the powerful words found in the scriptures describing worship and movement! This book will surely bless anyone who reads it!
Highly recommended resource
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: A great tool for building a Biblical foundation in dance/movement ministry. No need to do basic Bible research of scriptures related to dance. Can be used to teach children as well as adults.
Cons: none
Wonderful Book!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This is a wonderful book! Filled with lots of great scripture and Hebrew words that help you to grow in your vocabulary of Worship Dance! So much fun!
Dance, Dance, Dance
Length of ownership: 0-1 day
Pros: So much knowledge and insight to the real meaning of ministering through dance using scripture.
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: Wow, I didn't know there were so many scriptures on dance in the Bible! This book is highly recommended if you're looking to dive deeper into dance through the Word of God.
Cons: none
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Great tool for all to learn. Everyone will be educated on what dance truly does, the scriptures, and meanings.
Great Worship Resource
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: “Dance Dance Dance!” is a powerful resource, giving the worshiper tools to facilitate bringing God’s word to life
Strongs Concordance and Topical Bible: About Dance
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: What a resource for those needing to answer a well-meaning brother or sister in the Lord about whether dance as worship, prayer, ministry, or prophesy, is even Scriptural! I believe this is an effective study tool for every team member to strengthen their knowledge of dance Scripture but to also strengthen their individual gifting within dance (worship, prophesy, ministry, etc.). Overall, five stars for sure!
Cons: none
Filled with knowledge
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This book is filled with knowledge that we can go back to and refer to. It makes reading the Bible more powerful. I learned how much God values movements of our body when we walk this life with Him.
Wow, Very Informative!!!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Dance, Dance, Dance by Pastor Lynn Hayden provides a written understanding of what we find ourselves doing during worship at church when the Spirit is high!
Cons: None!
Fantastic scriptural word study of different praise movements
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This book captivated me and reinforced the many ways worshipping God with movement is described in the bible. It widened my understanding of how God loves to be worshipped and I am sure to remember the different ways I can worship him with movement.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Highly recommended and very valuable for learning about the roots of movements mentioned in the Bible.
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This book is great for anyone who is called to the dance ministry or seek a greater understanding of what we are doing when we dance.
Cons: None.
Great resource!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This book is a great resource to utilize in your personal ministry or group ministry! Very informative and very effective! Loved it!
Dance, Dance, Dance
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This is a wonderful resource for learning to do activations or to dance scriptures, especially after watching the dvd. Priceless resource for a worshipper.
A wealth of information for the root words on dance!
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: This book is a very rich and informative resource to have for every Christian dancer! It gives not only the English word but the Hebrew and Greek words behind dance and their scriptural references in the Bible! A great handbook for the dance leader and team!!
Excellent Book!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This book is great. It was wonderful learning about all the different words in relation to dance and movement in the scriptures.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: An excellent study of dance found in the Bible! Thank you Pastor Lynn for sharing such valuable insight into Scripture concerning dance!
Excellent Resource!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Dance, Dance, Dance! book is an excellent resource to understand the power of movement in the Bible.
Excellent Resource!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Dance, Dance, Dance! book is an excellent resource to understand the power of movement in the Bible.
Excellent Study Tool for Dance Ministers
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: A very comprehensive study of all the English, Hebrew, and Greek words in the Bible that express dance or movement. Provides a great scriptural foundation for dance ministry.
Great Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I appreciate this book very much.
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Understood the worship Hebrew names better.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Great book to build worshippers through the word of God as well as the meanings of the Hebrew and Greek words.
Imperative Information
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: Information you need to have! I consider this book a secondary "Armor of God."When you need to be armed to defend your dance ministry, this book will give you all the answers. You can't deny the biblical definitions of movement and their place in ministry if you are armed with the understanding of these words!
INSPIRING and full of Information
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This was the first book I bought and so far it is still my favorite. I have been using it to provoke me into Bible studies about the physical movement implications of the Hebrew and Greek words in scripture and I love to talk to others about when I learn from it. It is a perfect starting point from where to dive off into further in-depth study!
Great for dance and for biblestudy!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book was really good to read! So many bibleverses to movement and dance! I really enjoyed to read them and to feel God´s presence when some verses touched me. I was so thrilled to discover some verses, that are very important for me in this book and the meaning of the greek and hebrew words! So good!!
Awesome Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book has it all. Setting your heart and mind to the things of God through words and scripture pertaining to dance. Adding this to your collection is a must!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is a must have. Biblical understand of English, Hebrew and Greek words as written in scripture. Great tool.
Awesome book
Pros: A book full of Biblical information about dancing before the Lord, a must to have book for anyone that is Called to Dance or that doesn't understand how dancing before the Lord is Biblical.
no words!!!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book was refreshing it takes you back to the word of God. It takes you to a deeper meaning of praise and worship.
Cons: This is a must have in your library
Powerful teaching book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book by Pastor Lynn is chuck full of teaching tools for the worship dancer. Using this book along with the DVD with the same name is a powerful duo for understanding and performing worship dancing!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Wow! This book is full of wisdom and revelation. If you are looking to go deeper into the meaning of praise and worship, this book is for you! It is a great took for any ministry, but especially for any dance ministry, company, team, or leader. Enjoy!
Dance, Dance, Dance! - Book
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: Knowledge is power and when it is backed up by the Word, it's foundational! This should be required reading for every dance team, it's a must have reference book.
WOW! Fun & Engaging
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is full of wisdom and insight pertaining to dance in the Hebrew, Greek, and English biblical language. I thoroughly enjoyed learning how the movements we use in dance can be traced back to scripture!
Valuable Tool
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Excellent resource on words and bible verses pertaining to dance and movement. So encouraging to have confirmation of dance in the bible
Cons: none
Dance, Dance, Dance Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is designed to give an overview of the many Hebrew, Greek and English words, found in the bible, that relate to movement or dance. It is important to for all of us, who are called to the dance ministry, to have a greater scriptural understanding of what we are doing when we dance before the Lord. As I turned each page of this book, my heart was freshly inspired again to worship our great Lord with everything I have. I will be reading this book over and over and over again. What a great tool to have. It will change the way you worship.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Pastor Lynn outdid herself in this highly enlightening, unexpected revelation of the validity of movement as it relates to dance in the scriptures.
Cons: None
Worship Explosion!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Enlightening revelations of worship and movement words through Hebrew and Greek study! Amazing scriptural reference from Genesis - Revelations! A keeper! Use to go deeper in your knowledge of Him!
Dance Dance Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is a great tool to learn where in scripture the Bible tells us to dance for the Lord. It outlines scripture and the Greek and Hebrew words that pertain to those scriptures. Very important book to have for yourself and those who also dance for the Lord.
Biblical Background!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Pastor Lynn was teaching on the different words that relates to dance or movement throughout the bible. The Hebrew, Greek and English words are broken down into scriptures. This book was very helpful to me as being a first-time dancer and leader, it's showing me how to gain a biblical foundation when it comes down using God's scriptures to dancing for God!
Cons: None!
great reference book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is a companion to the DVD, by the same name and it gives you the references definition and understanding of the scriptural meaning for your dance movements
Words, Words, Words
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: If you have a deep desire to know the meanings of both Greek and Hebrew and how you can bring them to life, well this is the book for you!
Increase Your Knowledge!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: It's one thing to dance for the Lord but your dancing rises to another level when you know what movement is and the meaning behind it. This book gives you that knowledge. It a great companion to the DVD. You learn the different English, Hebrew and Greek words for movement and their definitions. Scripture references is also given for each word. Add this book to your library.
Dance, dance, dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Dance, Dance, Dance book is vital for dancers. It explains how and where to find movements in the Bible. I would recommend this for all dancers and instructors.
Dance, Dance, Dance Book
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This is a great tool to use and learn about how movement and scripture go hand in hand. So many great explanations and scripture to learn with. Teaching how important it is to learn Gods word. and that dance is more about a relationship and dancing for the Lord.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I highly recommend this scriptual based handbook that gives those that are called to movement ministry a comprehensive view of movement and dance words in scriptures. My calling just got deeper as I see more clearly why I do what I do from the heart.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is a handy quick reference for Hebrew and Greek words related to dance found in the Bible. I found it helpful as a beginning point for more comprehensive study. I recommend it highly for students of dance ministry.
Great Foundation to have!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is MUST for the dance leader or independent solo dancer to know scripturally why you're dancing for the Lord and what you're dancing. The Old Testament & New Testament references provided offer a great foundation. If you're a visual person, get the Dance Dance Dance DVD--the video gives wonderful visual demonstrations for each scripture reference listed in the book.
Cons: none
Dance3! Great Resource
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Excellent reference book containing OT and NT references for dance and movement. Good to keep on hand for quick look-ups during study time or preparing a dance piece.
Cons: none
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: The purpose for which this book is written is very clear. It goes through the scriptures and relates various words either directly or to the essence of dance. The objective to help validate dance as an appropriate form of Christian worship and mechanism through which the Gospel of our Savior Jesus Christ can be shared.
Excellent Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Excellent Hebrew, English, or Greek word study book.
Cons: None
Dance, Dance, Dance! - Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I never really zeroed in too intensely on specific words in the bible except when I was studying on a specific topic. I learned that to get a real good balance, there has to be a balance between the Old Testament and New Testament. I like that this book had a layout of the sequential format of the Scriptures with the locator words from the Old Testament to the New Testament.
Cons: None
Dance Dance Dance Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is a great book. A must read to understand the dance movements. Great information. The Dance Dance Dance DVD gives you great visual. Both item are a must to have.
Cons: None
Dance Dance Dance- book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is a must have if you are a minister of dance. It presents various "dance"words from the bible. For each word there are scripture references. Yes, dance is in the bible!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Have you ever wanted to study some Hebrew and Greek? The book, Dance Dance Dance will help you explore the English, Hebrew and Greek words that relate to dance and movement. This fantastic little book will give you a greater understanding of verses in the Bible emphasizing different forms of movement.
God loves to Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: The Dance Dance Dance Book is an amazing compilation of expressions of movement in the Word of God bringing a deeper understanding of the Hebrew and Greek meanings along with multiple scriptures using these words. I find this is a great handbook to use in a variety of ways.
Biblical Dance Words
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Pastor Lynn Hayden’s book, “Dance Dance Dance!” is a scriptural reference guide of English, Hebrew, and Greek words in the Bible that pertain to dance or movement. It is organized very nicely, listing each word with its definition, followed by several scriptural references that illustrate the word as it appears in the Bible
Dance, Dance, Dance!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Love, Love, Love, this book! It is essential to any dance ministry seeking to minister to the heart of God. Pastor Lynn provides definitions of Hebrew and Greek words that can be interpreted to dance movement. She then provides the locator words that are found in the scriptures. Each word defines movements that can be done to interpret dance. With this knowledge your dance ministry will never again struggle with how to interpret any word into a dance movement!
So Informative!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I never realized before how much dancing and praising the Lord actually is what we are meant to do! I keep rereading the Biblical words and the examples from the Bible and am amazed! Our dance movements bring freedom and release!!
Dance, Dance, Dance! - Book
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: This is a great book for every worship dancer, flagger and singer to have. The Word itself is proof that dance belongs to the Lord. Thank you Lynn Hayden for putting this wonderful resource together for worshipers.
You Want This Book!!!!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is a great “1-stop” reference for a solid foundation of scriptures pertaining to dance and movement in the bible with the corresponding Greek and Hebrew words and their definitions. And one really nice feature of this book, is that the scriptures for each word is listed “how they are sequentially found in the bible”. A definite must have for your library!
Dance, Dance, Dance - Book
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: Excellent book for any Praise and worship dance minister. It teaches words in either the English, Greek or Hebrew original terms that are about dance/movement from the Bible along with many related scriptures.
Dance, Dance, Dance Book Review
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: This has been on the top of my stack of reference books since I purchased it at my first DFH conference in 2002. This is THE foundation book for the Lord’s dancing army. Within the pages are the guideposts to see that God has, is and will continue to use dance and movement to bring forth His plans and purposes on the earth. Dancing God’s Word is a powerful way to see what the Word means when it says it’s alive and active.
Thank You!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: What better way to express the heart of God than through His Holy scripture. Each word with powerful scriptures helps to better understand why we dance.
Cons: None
Dance, Dance, Dance! - Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Dance, Dance, Dance! Book WOW!! There is so much information in this book!! The Greek and Hebrew words are explained and then scriptures are given to show them in the text. Locator words are shown and given to identify the words. This is presented in an easy to understand format. I recommend getting the video was well to go with the book! The scriptures are acted out on the video. Very informative!!! I highly recommend this to anybody.
Cons: None
Dance Dance Dance Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is a rare and precious gem! It is a valuable resource and treasure for the worship dancer. I highly recommend it for those who want to understand just how important dance is in worship. You will gain insight as to how particular movements are very powerful and why they will release the anointing of the Holy Spirit! It will help you tremendously in your choreography and will give you a firm Scriptural foundation in dancing for Him!
Cons: Absolutely none!
Dance,Dance,Dance BOOK
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Great book for every dance leader and team members.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: A Biblical dictionary of movement in the scriptures. A wonderful reference book for any dance leader or member. I really enjoy reading the words and where to find them in the scripture.
dance, dance, dance!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This book is a biblical dance dictionary which will be my guide for many choreographies to come .It's important to educate ourselves with scriptures related to dance so we can educate others as well.
Dance Dance Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is one of my favorite books of over 300 Scripture listed along with definitions of Hebrew, Greek and English locator words as relates to movement in the Bible. A must have for a firm foundation for your dance team.
Answers the Question
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: This is a great book for those asking the question, Does dance belong in the church.? Pastor Lynn Hayden give a foundation with Biblical references for those wanting to take the leap and start dancing in their church.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Dance Dance Dance book is full of Scripture as well with Hebrew words and its meaning love how you can watch the DVD observe how they bring the verse to live trough movement and expression and when having the book along with it you find your self visualizing the verses you read that back up every Hebrew word. To the point this book is great even to leave your dancers with hoemwork to memorize verses and all have a better understanding of how are movements and expression can imopact.
The Best Dance Vocabulary Book!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is a foundational guide on dance movement and is a recommended essential resource for all worshippers and dance team members. You'll love it and gain understanding of WHAT you're actually biblically doing before the Lord!
Cons: None
worship dance dictionary
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: this book gives you a deeper understanding of dance in the bible. since dance in the church gets a bad rap sometimes, it good to know scriptures about dancing in order to walk into your authority.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is a very good tool, it written to educat everyone who have the desire to go deep in the word. You'll find definition in Hebrew and Greek in the bible about dancing in order to stay connected to every movement that we do while dancing. I tell you dancing for the Lord would never be the same. Excellent book!
Wow! A Powerful Guide!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Many of us have experienced someone who is hesitant to believe the arts is a form of praising God. This book gives us scripture to validate what we do using English, Hebrew, & Greek words. The bible contains so many words that pertain to dance & the Holy Spirit is our guide to expressing our movements. Also, the book contains a quick reference index where we can look words up and go directly to a movement we are trying to display.
Dance Dance Dance Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: It is a very clear guide to the various words used in dance in English, OT Hebrew, and in NT in Greek. To know how these movements are used in scripture gives me more power and authority in my heart as my movements become a worshipful prayer from my heart!
Excellent Resource
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Like the Dance Dance Dance DVD, the book is an excellent resource & learning tool! I love this book because it serves as a quick reference when I need a right now answer about a move or better understanding and then the scripture is found right next to the word enhancing my word knowledge the more.
Cons: None
Great foundation
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Dance, Dance, Dance Book is full of information and it is a very organized source when it comes to origins of the old tesament ( Hebrew Foundation) and the new testament (The Greek foundation) That represents a unique richness of verses that you can refer to whenever need it.
Movements in his word
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: The Dance Dance Dance book by Pastor Lynn Hayden is filled with great knowledge in dance using Hebrew and Greek word with its definition and scriptures you can apply in actvations. Its another great way to study dance solo or with a group.
Cons: None
Dance Dance Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: The video and the Book Dance, Dance, Dance,are very important materials for any dance ministry. They show how movement as an expression of our worship and ministry to God is found throughout the Scriptures, in both, the Old and the New Testament.
Dance, Dance, Dance~
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: This book is one that is a keeper, detailed and full of scriptures. This book gets deep to the core of dance and teaches what it means to dance according to the word of God!
Great reference!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I love that everything about movement and dance is found in this book. And it’s light enough to bring it anywhere."Dance, Dance, Dance” is a very active word study of Hebrew, Greek, and English found in the Bible.
Cons: none
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This wonderful book can serve many purposes whether for teaching or as proof that dance in the church fits divinely in its makeup and development of a strong biblical foundation.
Dance, Dance, Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is an excellent learning tool for dance and movement teams in the ministry and can be paired with the demonstration DVD, with the same name. You will learn English, Hebrew and Greek dance terminology, locator words, definitions and scriptures where the words are found. When you dance or choreograph your next piece, you will be able to fully understand the movements and their meaning because you will have a command of the language of dance in the scripture and truly worship God!! Powerful!!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Wow! Talk about a book that is packed full of information. This one is. It is important for all of us, who are called to the dance ministry, to have a greater scriptural understanding of what we are doing when we dance for the Lord. This book helps you to see dance through the scripture and understand dancing for the Lord.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Dance, Dance, Dance book is GREAT it teaches you how to take Greek, Hebrew, English words found in the bible and different scriptures and how it relates to dance. This book will truly bless your dance ministry.
Dance, Dance, Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Dance book review Pastor Lynn is truly writing a wonderful book that helps worshipers like me to get a chance to peek at the power and the secret of dance worship. By acknowledging the English, Hebrew , and Greek words, with their definitions, scriptures, and the locator words, it quickly takes me dwelling into the scenes of the Scriptures easily and deeply.
One of a Kind
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Dance Dance Dance written by Lynn Hayden is a great and one of a kind, dance scripture reference book! I was encouraged to see the numerous examples of creative movement through out the Bible. It’s important to know what you are doing as a dance ministry and how it lines up with the word of God. This book is a great resource for any dance ministry!
Discover everything about dance a biblical roots
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Perfect book to have a comprehensive study of dance. It is such a privilege to to gain revelation and knowledge about english, hebrew and greek words from the Word of God. You will be so blessed.
Amazing Book for scriptural dance foundation
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: If you are called to Dance you must get this powerful book. scriptures which biblically support our worship dance for the Lord. Hebrew, Greek and English words plus the definitions. I would buy it in a heartbeat!!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Lynn Hayden has done it again. This is another one of my favorite books. Dance, Dance, Dance! is one of those books that every dance team should have in their library. In this book, Lynn helps us better understand the role of dance in the church and she gives us a great idea on how to memorize scripture through movement. I really enjoyed it. .
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Dance, Dance, Dance book, it’s a Scripture reference guide words that you can locate in the word of God. Designed to give an overview of the many valuable English, Hebrew, and Greek words (found in the Bible) that relate to movements or dance. It’s an easy way to find a comprehensive compilation of those words, their scripture locator words and their definitions
Dance, Dance, Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Because it is so important that we, as worship dancers, know and understand what we are expressing in our movements and dance, the book entitled "Dance, Dance, Dance" written by Pastor Lynn Hayden is an extremely valuable source of information on English, Hebrew and Greek words in the Bible that express some kind of physical movement.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Scripture reference guide words that you can locate in the word of God, They are dance expression that are found in the Bible. Yeah I'm so excited that I have a book that will help me find words to describe, learn, teach, and put into movement, and to help others see how awesome it is to worship the Lord in dance. Pastor Lynn Hayden has done it again with this book. The book is put together so well and designed to ensure that the reader understands what is being taught.
Cons: None
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: The book contain Scripture Reference Guide Words for dancers that can be found in the Bible.
Cons: None
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book gives you a reliable way to refer back to the bible when you need to find a better way to display a concept or scriptural reference in a song that is being choreographed.
Cons: None
Dance, Dance, Dance Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I really love this book I think everyone should reading it. Because the words in this book and what they mean are powerful. You can exalt Our God.You can be loose, you can be free, you can leap, you can dance, you can have joy and you can praise, .
Dance, Dance, Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: A must have for every dancer. This book is amazing! It is filled with so many words related to dance in both the Hebrew and the Greek. Along with scripture this book is a great tool in the teaching of what, why and where of Dance in scripture.
Cons: None
Dance Dance Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Cons: Want to make a joyful noise unto the Lord by using the gift of dance? Then this is the book for you! This book will expand your dance vocabulary as well increase your knowledge of dance within the bible. A must buy!!!!!
Dance, Dance, Dance! - Book
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: English words + Old Testament Hebrew words + New Testament Greek words = Backup for divine Spiritual Scriptural Reference Guide to awesomeness. My favorite word was the Old Testament Halal which means to praise or celebrate.
Dance Dance Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book shows where dance is in scripture and the Hebrew words and what they mean - we are dancing what the scripture tells us by just worshiping....This book so blew my mind because of the richness of the content
Cons: NONE
Dance,Dance,Dance book
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: Great resource! All the research has been done for you! This is essential to have if you get the corresponding Dance,Dance,Dance DVD!
Dance dance dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: refreshing in a lemonade on a summer day kind. the information was well organized,
Cons: none
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Valuable resource book listing Hebrew and Greek movement words in the Bible. There are multiple Scriptures to study and introduce to your dance team. This can produce many creative presentations!
Dance, Dance, Dance - Book
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: Need a motivation to move; to dance for the Lord; then get this book! You will be amazed! I still am..I go back to it often!
Great tool
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Great tool to teach prophetic dance
Dance Dance Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is a must have for any dancer, worshiper, or lover of God's word! It gives you a better understanding of the word, and as it relates to movement, a wider vocabulary. Such an awesome book. I love it!
Dance, Dance, Dance! - Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book compiles many words that support dance in our worship/praise ministry. It is so wonderful to be able to have a resource that explains the Hebrew and Greek meanings-quick and fast. A must buy!
Dance, Dance, Dance! - Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Great resource for anyone looking for a deeper knowledge of Movement.. A useful guide to learn and study the English, Hebrew, and Greek words that pertain to dance and movement in the Bible
dance dance dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book was like opening up a jewelry box ! by knowing and understanding the locator words it takes all the guess work out of dancing and movement to scripture for me !!!
Dance Dance Dance Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Dance Dance Dance opens up a door to the amazing wealth of words regarding dance and movement in the Bible. Read it again and again to know these words and see how powerful these words are!! If you haven`t ordered it yet, now is the time!!
Dance, Dance, Dance book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Reading this book made you think more about movements and what type of movement to incorporate in order to interpret different songs. Understanding these Hebrew and Greek words will help to more accurately interpret music, with or without lyrics. This book will help strengthen your choreography and teaching
Dance, Dance, Dance! Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book can be used as a foundation for showing where dance and movement are in the Bible along with their definitions. It is a blessing for all people who want to learn about the words in the Bible that relate to dance and give purpose and validity to praise and worship dance in the church. It is a must have reference book for every dance team to keep on hand as you will refer to it over and over again.
Dance Dance Dance
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Love it. Buy it. Absolute must have. Book is very useful to any prophetic dancer to understand what u are doing in the spirit. Opens up the eyes to another dimension that will help u become a better dancer and spiritually developed
Cons: None
Dance, Dance, Dance - Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is a wonderful resource to keep on hand to teach the English, Greek and Hebrew definitions of movement in worship. How rich all these beautiful pictures of the joy of the Lord are. Inspiring!
Dance, Dance, Dance!-Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Because of the valuable information in this book, we will be adding this to our dance ministry training program at my church. Thank you Pastor Lynn for continuing to be a blessing.
Dance, Dance, Dance! (book)
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This resource could be used for active word study (i.e. acting out or interpreting the scriptures with movement). It would be an excellent idea for a dance troop to focus on and study one of the English, Hebrew, Greek words at a time taking many weeks/sessions to act out several of the verses, one each week, in order to gain a greater understanding of the word, its corresponding movement, its meaning and some of the scriptures in which that particular word is used. In doing so, team communication skills and team work may be improved as a result of working together to create new dance vocabulary and ultimately build and strengthen the dance team!
Dance, Dance, Dance -Book
Length of ownership: 0-1 day
Pros: This is a greatest book I am planning to own, as I read the E-version of it, it made me laugh all by myself all through as I read it. I printed it out and I have drawn little marks here and there reminding me of my background. Some of the Hebrew or Greek terms have the same or similar meaning in Swahili the Kenyan national language, a language I grew up in and taught it in schools. I found myself getting up at night to experiment I'm planning to buy a couple of the actual book and it is a one of the MUST buy book for those grown ups who would like to start the adult praise dance group with me by May 2015 .
Dance, Dance, Dance! - Book
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: Wow, what a powerful book. All dance ministers should have this book as part of their library. It will enlighten you as to what you are doing in the spirit realm when you dance before the Lord. It gave me the biblical foundation on the Hebrew, Greek, and English words and definitions along with bible verses that relate to dance movement, and how to interpret God’s Word with more creativity.
Cons: None
Dance Dance DANCE Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Excellent book! every worship leader must have.
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: I was really amazed at all the scriptures provided that gave examples in the bible of the different types of praise. Using this book along with the Dance Dance Dance video teaches you how to create moves to scriptures bringing life to your dance movement giving your moves a voice.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is a great Study guide. I have the dvd Dance Dance Dance and the two are a perfect pair to use for teaching. The book, explain dance terms in Hebrew, English and Greek.
Cons: None
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Such a great teaching from Gods word about movement!
Cons: none
Dance Dance Dance!-Book
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: This is an amazing book. A must have for any dance teach or dance student.
Cons: None
Dance Dance Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I was already familiar with some Hebrew words for praise and worship; however, this delightful book opened up my understanding to the plethora of words found in the Bible meaning some type of movement. I am so eager to share this knowledge with others in my church!
Cons: None!
Dance, Dance, Dance! - Book
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: The Dance, Dance, Dance book is different from others on the topic of Christian dance. It is a good read for dance ministries to have. It is written out of experience, research, and is based on scriptures that support movement or dance. What is great about the book that it contains over 300 scriptures and several words that are associated with various movements from the Bible. It is a good read and a great resource for dance ministries to have. This book is a blessing especially with the knowledge and information it provided.
Cons: None
Dance Dance Dance book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Of all the books Pastor Lynn has written, I believe this should be the foundation book, and if one could only get one of the collection, please get this one. It has Hebrew and Greek root words and meanings, and many, many Scriptures to justify why praise and worship dance should be allowed--and welcomed!--in the church!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: The Dance, Dance, Dance book clearly gives a Biblical Foundation of the art of dance in worship. It contains wonderful information of the usage of dance in the Bible. I was amazed at the multitude of examples of Godly people dancing in both the Old and New Testaments.
Dance, Dance, Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Is dance really in the Bible? here is a book that overviews the Hebrew, Greek and English words in the Bible that reference to dance and a corresponding 300 scriptures too!!
Dance, dance, dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Is dance really in the Bible? here is a book that overviews the Hebrew, Greek and English words in the Bible that reference to dance and a corresponding 300 scriptures too!!
Dance, Dance, Dance-Book!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Excellent book for learning words pertaining to dance in scripture through creative movement! A highly recommended book to have in order to learn the meaning behind worshipping the Lord!
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: Before this book, I had no idea there were so many verses about dance in the bible! Definitely a great book to shear with your team.
Cons: None!
Dance, Dance, Dance - Book
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: This book is an excellent resource for understanding the scriptural significance of worship through dance. It has really helped me to grow as a worshipper!
Dance, dance, dance book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I love this book, It shows that dance which is movement is a part of Gods plan both in the old and new testament, the scripture and explanations are wonderful.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: The Dance, Dance, Dance book is powerful. It is not too bulky and therefore it is an easy read. The English, Hebrew and Greek words gives a clear indication of how we can interchange the words in creative movements. Pastor Lynn's book has given me confidence to try different concepts in dance.
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Reading this book has really opened my eyes to the many movements that the Lord defines worship to Him. I never knew that all these words in the bible are indicating movement. Powerfully interesting!
Dance, Dance, Dance! Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Dance, Dance, Dance is one of those books that will really help us in our dance ministry. It will help us, help others, as well. It gives us a greater understanding of what we are doing when we dance to scripture. This knowledge brings power. Power that we can release to others as we dance God's Word.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book brings the scriptures to life! This is a powerful book that will open your eyes to the many ways movement and dance is recorded in the Bible.
Dance Name Game
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Dance, Dance, Dance is a great book for those just beginning dance, as well as those who have been doing it for a while in their ministry who have no concept of a dance vocabulary.
Dance, Dance, Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Very important tool for worship dancers! Great book to have in teaching on the importance of dance in the church.
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Loved how I learned so many new words I did not even know about worship. On top of that the scripture brought the words more meaning its a great book for dance team or just for individual use
Dance, dance,dance. Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Blessed be The Lord that for his word that is so clear in which we can ground ourselves in a corporal expression. If I were a leader of a dance ministry, I would study this book with my ministry because it's biblical fundamental in dance and helps us dance in knowledge. I love how from the Old to New Testament there's a support in scriptures that focuses on the concept of dance and all it's spiritual and corporal expressions: in English, Hebrew and Greek with it's respective scriptures sustaining every adjective. It's a great book of blessings for all the company of dance.
Powerful book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is a powerful book. You'll be amazed at how many movement words are in the scriptures and how much more they mean than you thought.
Pros: I love this book and the DVD! Did you know what when you dance for the Lord, a simple movement such as extending your hand up or spinning in a circle, is linked to a word in the Bible? Before I read this book, I sure didn’t! Now that I know, I can fully appreciate the power of God through dance, for it is through worship that we touch the Father’ heart.
Dance Dance Dance!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is a great resouce and "evidence that demands a dance verdict." Hebrew and Greek words from both the Old and New Testament are easily referenced along with their English counterparts and scriptures where they are located. A great foundational book for the evidence of dance through out God's Word!
Cons: n/a
Dance, Dance, Dance Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Reading and enjoying the Dance, Dance, Dance, book. What a great way to delve into the Bible and find meaning and relative scripture to provide a solid base to dance training and leadership.
Dance, Dance, Dance! - Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: The book dance, dance, dance, is a great resource for anyone who wants to learn more deeply about words in English, Hebrew and Greek meaning and how we can use to interpret the dances. I loved!
Great teaching tool!
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: This book great compilation of Hebrew and Greek movement words in the Bible for the purpose of word study and activations. The format of the book makes it easy to teach from and for students to understand. This is a must have book for all liturgical dance leaders!
dance dance dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I absolutely enjoy this book, great resources for every dancer and dance leader. Information and biblical meanings of english , hebrew and greek dance movement and it scriptures. .
Cons: none
Dance, Dance, Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is a must buy for every dance worshipper! In it you will find words related to dance in the bible, in Hebrew and Greek. This study guide includes the locator words and scripture. Great addition to your reference library!
Dance, Dance, Dance! - Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is amazing! The definitions and locater words are so powerful. It really opens your eyes to see just how deeply rooted dance/movement is in Hebrew culture and it's place in God's heart.
Cons: None
Dance, Dance, Dance Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I love the organized format of this book. The inclusion of the located words makes for easy association to the Hebrew and Greek counterpart. This is a perfect bible study companion guide for all worship leaders!
Pros: Before reading Dance, Dance, Dance! by Pastor Lynn Hayden, I had no prior education or in-depth knowledge of dance and movement in scripture. I was blown away while reading this book by the amount of movement there is and the powerful meanings associated with the different Hebrew and Greek words. Dance, Dance, Dance! has brought much depth to my understanding of our body's role in the worship of God. This book can and should be used as a Bible study, alone or with a dance team. It is packed with wonderful verses to meditate on and to learn about what God thinks of dance.
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: I love the Dance, Dance, Dance book by Pastor Lynn Hayden! It is a wonderful resource and an excellent companion to her Dance, Dance, Dance DVD. This amazing study of English, Hebrew and Greek words pertaining to dance or movement in Scripture was very helpful to me in gaining a greater understanding of this Biblical concept.
Cons: None
Dance Dance Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is a great reference book to help you memorize scripture by demonstrating the scripture through dance.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is a great tool that will help you start your Ministry on a strong foundation! I never thought that there was so many words related to movements in the Bible. An absolute must have!
Dance Dance Dance
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: This book gives clear and concise explanations on the terms relating to dance from a biblical standpoint. It also explains the terms in English and it's Hebrew derivatives. Using the bibles text itself, it gives not only a dance minister greater understanding to be able to choreograph but Sunday School teachers, choirs and even ministers a better understanding of how to interpret the bible verses into movement. Simply wonderful and amazing!!
Cons: NONE!!!
Dance Dance Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book provides a much needed reference guide for movement and its biblical basis AS WELL as a foundation of language for movement terms in greek, hebrew, and more. Great resource for dance ministry
Dance, Dance, Dance -Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is a very useful guide to learn and study the English,Hebrew,and Greek words that pertain to dance and movement in the Bible. The information contained includes Old and New Testament scriptures and locater words that are associated with the definitions of the words.
Cons: none
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: This book opens the heart and mind. It will truly help ministers of dance to have a full understanding of a song or scripture. Then they can truly minister in spirit and in truth. An excellent resource for leaders as well as team members.
Dance Dance Dance Book
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: This book is a phenomenal resource to have in one's library. It shows how dance is infused throughout the bible in many different ways. It is also a wonderful fun way to get one's team to internalize the scriptures while being creative. They can pick certain scriptures pertaining to dance, read it and interpret them through movement. Simply Genius!
Cons: None
Dance, Dance, Dance Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I love this book….it expanded my vocabulary in the dance with the listed of Hebrew and Greek words given. But what is really amazing is the list of scripture verses to that show how each word is being used. I recommend this for everyone seeking to grow in their dance vocabulary…it is sure to make a great difference.
Cons: none
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: A must have for every dancer. This book gives details on movement and also scripture as to what each move. You will learn more movement as a dancer that edify God.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: After reading this book it will really broaden your mind on the dance.Also, it will help stir up your gift that God has placed in you.
Dance, Dance, Dance! - Book
Pros: What an excellent resource for scriptures of movement and dance. God designed us to worship Him and this book helps stamp that in stone! We have a moving God and this book shows us just how much He moves.
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is an excellent resource for identifying the numerous references to dance and movement in the Bible. The locator words and definitions associated with each Hebrew, Greek, and English word gives the reader a deeper understanding of the physical meaning of the associated verses. For a praise and worship dancer, this information is a monumental benefit for getting movement ideas to songs and verses.
Dance Dance Dance Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is a wonderful study guide for the topic of dance in Scripture. There is a comprehensive listing of Hebrew, Greek, and English words pertaining to dance and a vast number of verses containing those words. It is a very helpful guide for learning what scripture has to say about dance.
Dance, Dance, Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book inspires me to go deeper. It offers original language in Hebrew and Greek with their definitions in English. It is a great resource for a word study with the applicable scriptures to follow each word. It really enhances your understanding of movement.
Dance Dance Dance Book
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: This is a fantastic, easy to use resource that will help you increase your revelation knowledge of words in scripture pertaining to movement. Knowledge is power, and this book will definitely increase your knowledge and help your dances be more powerful!
Dance, Dance, Dance! Book
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Wow, wow, wow! This is an excellent resource for any worshipper. It is power packed with words in English, Greek and Hebrew that surround dance found in the Holy Bible. I suggest you also purchase the Dance, Dance, Dance DVD to make the pages come ALIVE!
Cons: none
Dance Dance Dance
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: What a fantastic reference book to study abd show yourself approved! For anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge and scriptural understanding of dance, this is a must have. You are sure to read and refer to it over and over again.
Dance, Dance, Dance - Book
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Dance, Dance, Dance gives depth and understanding about each definition of dance, revealing dance the way God created it: for worship, for warfare, for His glory! Excellent resource!
Cons: None
Dance, Dance, Dance Book
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: If you, your Pastor or leadership have any doubt that dance belongs in the church, then this is the book to read. It is a comprehensive look at scriptures pertaining to dance and movement in the bible. It defines the Hebrew and Greek words of the different types of movement found in God’s Word, not only in the Old Testament, but also in the New Testament. We were created to live and move and have our being in Him.
Cons: None
Dancd, Dance,Dance!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book made the scripture come alive through movement vocabulary. Meaning of Hebrew and Greek words were discussed along with significant interpretation through movement and dance. What a great reference to have when developing choreography!
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: This is an excellent resource guide for scriptural reference pertaining to movement/dance. I love being able to refer to scripture quickly during team bible study or when looking for a scripture to along with my ministry piece. This book is another must have by Pastor Lynn.
Dance, Dance, Dance! - Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: A complete and concise biblical reference book for worship dance. Our movements actually "speak" and this book will help you to understand the language of worship dance as it is spoken thru the word of God!
The Dance Dance Dance Book Review
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is a great reference and guide to the advanced dancer, novice, or those who are just curious about dance in the church. It also gives a great breakdown of what the bible saids pertaining to movement (dance). Thanks Pastor Lynn
Cons: none
Dance, Dance, Dance! - Book
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: My pastor just last week said to me "wouldn't it be awesome if there was a dance reference book as it relates to the bible". I told him about this book and he agreed that adding this reference to practices would provide the dancers with a deeper meaning of worship dancing! Thanks for this genius book Pastor Lynn!
Cons: None
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I did not know that there were so many references to dance and movement as a means of ministering in the bible. I don’t know how many hours and years of study it has taken you to place all of this information in such a small compact and concise format!?!?! But, being the Word of GOD person that I am let me thank you for sharing this work with this rest of us. Having this kind of information at our finger tips will help distinguish a real minister of movement from someone in the church that just enjoys dancing because they have a gifting for it.
Pros: Having this kind of information at our finger tips will help distinguish a real minister of movement from someone in the church that just enjoys dancing because they have a gifting for it. It is the Word of GOD that ministers and nothing else. Movement is only a means the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the message!
Dance, Dance, Dance Book
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: If you, your Pastor or leadership have any doubt that dance belongs in the church, then this is the book to read. It is a comprehensive look at scriptures pertaining to dance and movement in the bible. It defines the Hebrew and Greek words of the different types of movement found in God’s Word, not only in the Old Testament, but also in the New Testament. We were created to live and move and have our being in Him.
Dance, Dance, Dance!-Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: To broaden your understanding of movement pertaining to dance throughout the bible, this book will compliment. It's full of Hebrew, Greek and English words, scriptural references and activation ideas to allow you fully express the Father's heart.
Cons: none
Dance, Dance, Dance! - Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: To establish a great beginning foundation for you or a dance ministry, the Dance, Dance, Dance book is the companion to do it with. There is so much to learn from this book. It lays out many valuable English, Hebrew and Greek words found in the Bible that relate to movement or dance. It is a great reference not only for dance ministers but also for pastors and teachers.
Cons: None
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Once you have read this book you will always want to use it as a guide or a place of reference. It will definitely increase your dance vocabulary and how to move in its meaning. This scripture base book is an excellent book for any dance ministry.
Cons: none
Dance Dance Dance Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: The Dance, Dance, Dance book is a great tool for finding words and corresponding Scripture that relates to dance and movement. This book has helped me to see how Scripture can be narrated through the vehicle of dance.
Dance, Dance, Dance!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Writing my response essay to this book for the DFH Level 1 course made me reflect on the state of my heart during praise and worship in church. How many times have I pushed away the inward urge to pick up my feet and dance my praise-offering to the Lord because I didn't feel comfortable? I have been robbing God of laudation that He deserves, and I have been robbing myself of the fullness God intended for me through abandoned exaltation and thanksgiving.
Cons: For clarifcation's sake, it would help if the part (or parts) of speech were listed with each word. That is, if the word is a noun, verb, adjective, etc.
Dance Dance Dance book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: excellent resource for any dance minister! I've gained such a greater understanding of the biblical significance of worship through movement.
Cons: none
Dance, Dance, Dance Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: The Dance, Dance, Dance Book is an impartation with understanding of movement expressed in scripture throughout the Bible. The knowledge I have gained from this book concerning dance has richly blessed me. Dancing with wisdom in relation to the scriptures gives such meaning and adds joy to the movement!
Cons: none
Dance Dance Dance Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is an excellent way to incorporate word study into your dance rehearsals. It is important to know what our movements mean so that we may dance with purpose, Dance Dance Dance is a must have empowerment tool.
Cons: None
Dance, Dance, Dance! - Book
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: Pastor Lynn has placed many Scriptures pertaining to dance and movement all into one book. She has also included a quick reference guide in the back of her book, where the different movements can be found, pertaining to the scriptures. This is a wonderful quick reference book for any dance or movement ministry.
Cons: None
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Dance, Dance, Dance is a good book to read in order to have a better understanding of the English, Hebrew, and Greek words that we read in our bible. I would recommend it to dance teams and their leaders as well as pastors. This will give them a better understanding as to why they are dancing and to clear up some of the negative views about dance in the church.
Cons: none
Dance, Dance, Dance Book
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This book takes all the guess work out of looking up dance words and their meanings. Powerful tool to show how dance is found in the Bible and it's validity. Amazing tool for all who dance and for those curious ones about how dance is used to worship and where.
Cons: None
Dance, Dance, Dance Book
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This book takes all the guess work out of looking up dance words and their meanings. Powerful tool to show how dance is found in the Bible and it's validity. Amazing tool for all who dance and for those curious ones about how dance is used to worship and where.
Cons: None
Dance Dance Dance Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book takes all the work out of looking up dance words and their meanings. Powerful tool to show how dance is found in the Bible and its validity. Amazing and awesome tool for all who dance and to those just curious about how dance is used to worship and why and where!
Cons: None
Dance Dance Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Absolutely an awesome quick reference book for anyone who is interested in the Greek and Hebrew meaning to words for movements and how God's people used dance/body language to praise the Lord, celebrate their victories, and war against the enemy
Cons: none
Dance Dance Dance-Product Review
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Love Love Love this book. It as with many of the books we get is a GREAT resource!! I actually carry it around with me and often pull it out just to get the word. I use it as a guide now in my dance ministry. I am over the 3 dance groups and the flag ministry and we pull out a scripture reference it and even apply it to the dance for that evening. It is important to have scriptural backing when "defending" dance in the church! Awesome!
Cons: Absolutely NONE!
Dance, Dance, Dance book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: The research Pastor Lynn put into this resource book is so valuable for any worship dancer. I enjoyed how it opened my mind to some scriptures in a fresh way as I learned what the Hebrew/Greek words mean that are found in the Bible relating to dance and movement. It's an excellent tool to use when choreographing the actions to interpret scriptures.
Cons: None
Dance, Dance, Dance Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: if you need an awesome reference book, this is a must have. with the scriptures and key locator words already researched for you, this book is a must for any leader or anyone looking to gain more scriptural understanding.
Cons: none
It's worth it!
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: If you don't know what Halal or Cabab means then you need to get this book. Both of these words and their definitions can be found in this book and deal with praise and worship! This book teaches you Dance words in English, Hebrew, and Greek and if that is not enough for you it even has the definitions and scriptures to reference. An excellent teaching tool. Thank you Pastor Lynn for this book! AWESOME!!
Cons: Not any!
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is a great copilation of Hebrew and Greek words related to dance (movement) in the Bible. It's an awesome study for leaders and team members who are not aware of how dance is mentioned through the Scriptures. A must have book!
Cons: None
Dance Dance Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: The wonderful thing about the book Dance Dance Dance it gives a spiritual understanding of how dance is define in the church and its position as a ministry. A must have book for christians who are seeking an understanding of dance and how it relates to the church
Cons: None
Dance, Dance, Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This is an amazing resource for dance leaders and dance team members alike. It is full of scriptural references (in English, Hebrew, and Greek) which pertain to dance or movement in God's word. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a strong biblical foundation in relation to dance.
Cons: None.
Dance Dance Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book is a good resource for people wanting to learn Greek and Hebrew words that represent a variety of movements and movement concepts that are used in the Bible. It is also a good resource to begin understanding the importance of movement and its relevance to God’s purpose not just in scripture, but in our lives as well.
Cons: None
Dance, Dance, Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: What a handy and excellently written tool for knowing the Scriptures that refer to movement and dance. You have both the Hebrew and Greek words at your fingertips.Use it for your dancers or share with church leaders the Scriptural basis for dance.
Cons: none
Dance, Dance, Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: In order to get an understanding of how to dance with authority, I recommend Dance, Dance, Dance. The book outlines in a clear and straightforward fashion what are the Old and New Testament Hebrew and Greek scriptural references for dancing. Knowing the meaning behind the motions, movements, and expressions for dancing in the Bible will let your choreography and songs better glorify God. Dance, Dance, Dance is a handy reference and aid for pastors, teachers, and worship and arts leaders in addition to ministers of dance.
Cons: Having the companion DVD will make studying the book easier
Dance Dance Dance Book
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: This is a must have read for all who desire to know the scriptural foundation for dance and movement. It is a Mini-concordance containing Greek, Hebrew & English words and definitions, with associated scriptures. This is an excellent guide to continually refer back to, and User-Friendly. Thank you ! It has surely opened my eyes to a new vocabulary built on a solid foundation, God's Word.
Cons: none
dance dance dance book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: If a person is not sure that dance is from our Heavenly Father, then read this book. Its fill with all the scriptures on dance.
Cons: none
Dance, Dance, Dance Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: I am especially impressed to learn that there is virtually a movement for every circumstance or situation and the emotion it exudes. I certainly can see this exercise incorporated into each team rehearsal as it builds a solid biblical foundation for dance in worship and ministry.
Cons: None.
dance dance dance book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book was an eye opener and life changing for me. It radically changed my view about spiritual dance and propelled me in the dance ministry in a new dimension. It is a book which will bring dance ministry its rightful place in the church in this new generaion.
Cons: None
Dance, Dance, Dance! - Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Can a Christian dance? The answer is a resounding "yes" after reading the Dance, Dance, Dance book. It is a must read for every dancer, pastor, and person who wants to understand the Scriptural significance of dance. It is divided into three sections including English dance words, and then the Hebrew and Greek words for dance and movement found in the Bible. The Old Testament uses Hebrew and the New Testament uses Greek.
Cons: none
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This book was really new to me but very interesting. It amazing me how you can do movement using the scriptures. This is an awesome book! Every leader and member need this.
Cons: 0
Dance Dance Dance
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: This scriptural guide gives movement to "The Word of God," A means of expressive dance from Old & New Testament,Hebrew & English words. How beautiful to Worship Him with the discription of His own words. I will be using this book, its methods to learn and teach others the Love of Worshiping our Lord.
Cons: none
A must have
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: The book Dance Dance Dance is a beautiful compilation of Hebrew and Greek words relating to dance and movement. It is apparent that years of study and consideration have gone into this wonderful resource. It can be used by dancers, teachers, dance team leaders, pastors, or anyone wanting to find where dance and movement related words are in the scriptures.
Cons: none
Dance, Dance, Dance!- Book
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: This book is a great resource to have in dance/movement ministry. It's definitely a tool to have on hand to gain further understanding of what is happening in the spirit when dancing. Its also serves as a great foundation through the Word to justify dance ministry. Great book Pastor Lynn!! I highly recommend this to every dance ministy or one called to dance ministry. Tyhisha Paden
Cons: None
Dance Dance Dance Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: The book provides 30 Words from Old and New Testament with its derivatives, its definition and 360 scriptures relating to the dance and movement. After reading this, I gain a greater understanding of what we are doing when we dance before the Lord. It also demonstrates that the dance in the church is scriptural and can be used as a valid form of worship, healing and gospel presentation.
Cons: nil
Dance..Dance...Dance Book
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Many leaders, including pastors in churches have never found dance in the church to be scriptural. Therefore, this book resource is a great tool to hand to those leaders to make them aware of movement, particularly dance, in the Word. Also when those leaders and others read the Word, they will become more aware and have a greater understanding, and will be more receptive to embrace dance as a valid form of worship, healing, and gospel presentation. The ultimate goal would be for churches to incorporate dance into their regular worship during church services, and other ministry services. The purpose of this book is to help us all gain and continue to gain much wisdom, insight, and revelation concerning scriptural dance and movement that is written out for us in the Word. By the power of the Holy Spirit, may the anointing break the bonds of wickedness, heal the sick and brokenhearted, and cause many to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, as you DANCE … DANCE … DANCE!!!
Cons: 0
Dance..Dance...Dance Book
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: This book is a wonderful tool to use when building and starting a new dance ministry. This book teaches us to not only worship the Lord through dance, and demonstrate the gospel of Jesus through movement, but to also teach about its validity throughout the Bible, and impart it to others. Many leaders, including pastors in churches have never found dance in the church to be scriptural. Therefore, this book resource is a great tool to hand to those leaders to make them aware of movement, particularly dance, in the Word. Also when those leaders and others read the Word, they will become more aware and have a greater understanding, and will be more receptive to embrace dance as a valid form of worship, healing, and gospel presentation. The ultimate goal would be for churches to incorporate dance into their regular worship during church services, and other ministry services.
Cons: 0
Dance, Dance, Dance Book
Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year
Pros: Very thorough look at dance in the scriptures. Would make a great study for a dance team, or even for your own personal study.
Cons: none
This book is a must for all dance ministries!
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: As a Creative Arts Artistic Director and Dance Ministry Leader, Teacher and Mentor, it is extremely important for me to truly understand God’s purpose for the dance and what the movements do in the Spirit as I build dances to impact the lives of Believers and non-believers alike but also to impact the spirit realm and affirm God’s Reign over all. It’s essential for me that all of my students and ministers in training gain the wisdom to be applied in the their technical training and that when we move we do so fully adhered to the Truth of God’s Word. Therefore, this book has become an essential tool for the discipleship and training for all my students in my Studio and Ministry and a tool for accountability for me, as well as those potential leadership interns I’m mentoring for seasons to come. Like Team Terrificus this book is mandatory in my Studio. Excellent book!
Cons: None!
Dance, Dance, Dance! - Book
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: The Dance,Dance, Dance Book has been adopted into our Dance Ministry; and we are calling it our second bible. We are truly enjoying it especially with the new children coming aboard. Not only are they learing movement but the word at the same time.
Cons: o
Dance, Dance, Dance
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: Having read this book has definitely put more meaning to the Word “In Him we live, move and have our being…” It has also expanded my vocabulary as to the biblical principles of dance in the Word.I cannot wait to share this with the other Leaders on the ministry.
Cons: N/A
Length of ownership: 1 week-1 month
Pros: "This is a must for anyone who is just starting. A great Foundation & understanding. Don't get discouraged if you've been in the Worship Arts for a while, as this book is good for you to"!!!
Length of ownership: more than 1 year
Pros: The Dance Dance Dance book is a wonderful tool to have when people have never seen dance mentioned in the Bible. I really enjoyed all of the beautilful scriptures related to dance and movement in the Dance Dance Dance book.
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