school of the bible - genesis study

Dancing For Him School of the Bible - Genesis Study
Genesis means beginnings. Join us as we walk through the beginning of creation, the Fall of man and the beginning of the great redemption story. Watch as the story is played out through the lives of people like us — Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Leah and Rachel and their sons, climaxing with the story of Joseph who suffered that others could live. All the great themes of the Bible are present here in this Book of Beginnings.
The purpose of the School of the Bible is to assist you in the disciplined study of Scriptural truth and to encourage you as you express truth through artistic creativity — learning truth and translating truth into creative expression. Upon successful completion of the course, you'll receive a certificate of completion.
In an age characterized by lies, it’s important to know the truth. To a generation encompassed in  darkness, it is crucial that we express truth with the rhythms and colors and passions of grace, dancing past defenses, planting seeds of light in the deepest places of the heart.
Our purpose is not simply to acquire information but to grow in the grace and knowledge and likeness of Jesus so that we may walk as children of light in a dark world, shining forth the glory of Jesus. 
Genesis is the book of beginnings and begins with the God who has no beginning.  In this study we discover:

1. The Purpose of Creation

2. The Person of God

3. The Truth About Humanity

4. The Plan and Pathway of Redemption

Most wonderfully, we discover that Genesis is our story too.

School year Session: January 10th through October 24th 

Please click on the drop down lists below for all the details.

  • Jimmene Crew
    As a believer in Christ it is important that we learn about God. Second Timothy 2:15 says to "study to show thyself approved unto God" The Bible course here at DFH ministry is an excellent way to do that. This course is taught by Pastor Will Bosman also known as Wesley Scott Amos. He is the author of several books. One of those books is the "Worshiping Bride". Reading this book brought me to tears because it was insightful and heartfelt. I signed up for this course and was so happy that I did. This is my second year and I am learning so much. He is an excellent teacher and is eager to help you learn more about God. I look forward to our meetings. It is a time of learning and terrific fellowship.
    Mount Laurel
    New Jersey
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