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PRE-REQUISITE COURSESYou must have already graduated from both Level 1 as well as Level 2. You may begin Level 3 any year after completing Level 2. Level 4 is a continuation of Level 3 and must be started in January, immediately following completion of Level 3.
You must purchase or already possess several books and videos as listed, plus new DVDs/books when they become available. CLICK HERE to acquire the Levels 3/4 Product Pack.
Must be paid by December 10th of the appropriate year, before beginning January 10th. See options below.
We'll do monthly video chats through Zoom.US. This will be certain Sunday nights of each month from February - October (from 7-9PM EST). There will be times this will change, in which case, you'll be notified through the your level's Facebook page. While you do not have to send in questions, you may.
There will be video uploads, with greater expectation of professionalism with a spirit of excellence. These will be uploaded into the Level 4 private Facebook page and in Moodle. Any and all essays and/or videos may be placed as examples in DFH newsletters, web site or blogs, ads for conferences, school, etc. Your videos, may possibly be chosen to be on the Movement Connection or Move of the Month, which you'll learn more about in the course descriptions.
You will be an accountability partner (AP) to at least one other student, where you will remember them in your prayers, read their essays and watch their uploads and comment on them. They will be divided up evenly among all the students and other alumni. So, depending on the number in each class, in addition to your own "AP Buddy" in level 4, you may get 1-2 other students who you get to encourage, help and support.
You may also possibly be chosen to be a grader, "grading" in the record keeping system.
PRAYER LESSONS/ACTIVATIONSThere are 3 new, wonderful lessons on prayer, by Wil Bozeman. These lessons will be found in his books, "Passion of the Bride, A Heart of Prayer (Book 1, Book 2 and Book 3). They may be purchased here. The student will create activations, as assigned and upload them to Moodle and to the private, Level 3 Facebook page. There will also be activations done based on Amy Tang's DVD download on Prayer, that may be purchased here.
To do well, you'll need to allow an average of about two hours a day, five days a week. Just like brushing your teeth or eating, creating a habit of setting aside that time will get you through successfully. Life will always try to crowd things out, unless we make a determination for disciplined success. You must be dedicated and seriously prepared to put in the time and quality needed. Here are some encouraging words from a previous student about her successful study time. It will be below the video testimonials on that page.
You will be glad you will have made the effort! Be sure to count the cost and pray about the commitment.
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CLICK HERE - Level 4 only - to pay in full ($349), on or before December 10th.
CLICK HERE - Early Savings - Level 4 only - to pay in full ($299), on or before November 10th.
CLICK HERE - Levels 3 and 4 Combined - to pay in full ($649), on or before December 10th.
CLICK HERE - Levels 3 and 4 Combined - to make pre-payments ($149 down, then $100 increments = $649), on or before December 10th.
CLICK HERE - Early Savings - Levels 3 and 4 Combined - to pay in full ($549), on or before November 10th (save $100). No pre-payments.