“Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth.”
- 2 Timothy 2:15 (Amplified Bible)
Would you like to...
- Understand your call to dance for the Lord?
- Learn in-depth concepts so your choreography will minister most effectively?
- Learn dance steps and movement vocabulary so you’ll move more freely to worship Him?
- Learn from someone with 50+ years of dance experience?
- Enjoy close-knit fellowship and support with other industry leaders?
- Tap into that God-given creativity so your well will overflow?
- Learn how to minister the Father’s heart to set captives free?
- Have solid credentials to show that you will have studied to show yourself approved?
- Then this school is for you!
Come with us on an artistic journey that will change your life...
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LEVEL 1 - WORSHIP DANCE TRAINING COURSE - Upon successful completion, you will receive a Worship Dance Certificate. You must complete Level 1 before going on to Level 2 (no matter what other experience you may have had or other courses you may have taken). Here is one student's evaluation of the course. There are many more below and on the various information pages.
LEVEL 2 - DANCE MINISTRY LEADERSHIP COURSE - Upon successful completion, you will receive a Dance Ministry Leader’s Certificate. Level 2 must be done immediately after Level 1 completion. Both years must be done successively. You must complete Level 2 before going on to Level 3 (no matter what other experience you may have had or other courses you may have taken). Here is one student's evaluation of the course. There are many more below and on the various information pages.
LEVEL 3 - WORSHIP DANCE DEVELOPMENT - Upon successful completion, you will receive a Worship Dance Continuing Education Certificate. Level 3 may be done anytime after Level 2 completion. Here is one student's evaluation of the course. There are many more below and on the various information pages.
LEVEL 4 - DANCE MINISTRY MASTER COURSE - Upon successful completion, you will receive a Dance Ministry Master Certificate of License. You must complete Level 3 before going on to Level 4 (no matter what other experience or training you may have had). Level 4 must be done immediately after Level 3 completion. Both years must be done successively. This course is a continuation of Level 3. Here is one student's evaluation of the course. There are many more below and on the various information pages.
MODERN DANCE TECHNIQUE TRACK - Upon successful completion of each course session, you will receive a Continuing Education Certificate (via email) in Modern Dance. Or upon enrollment checkout, you may elect to audit the course (foregoing the certification), by not fulfilling the requirements for certification. With either option, you have the freedom to study, practice and reference the classes and choreography at your leisure. There are no pre-requisites. Though practicing the Modern Dance 1 video is recommended. For a limited time (while supplies last), this DVD disc comes free with at least one CE Modern Track Course enrollment. Click on the Modern Track link above or picture below, for more details.

BALLET TECHNIQUE TRACK - Upon successful completion of each course session, you will receive a Continuing Education Certificate (via email) in Ballet Technique. Or upon enrollment checkout, you may elect to audit the course (foregoing the certification), by not fulfilling the requirements for certification. With either option, you have the freedom to study, practice and reference the classes and choreography at your leisure. There are no pre-requisites. Though practicing the Ballet 1 video is recommended. For a limited time (while supplies last), this DVD disc comes free with at least one CE Ballet Track Course enrollment. Click on the Ballet Track link above or picture below, for more details.

FLEXIBILITY TRAINING TRACK - The Flexibility Training Course includes a series of classes, where Pastor Lynn slowly and gently leads you through a myriad of stretches designed to increase flexibility in all the major muscle groups and some minor ones. While most classes have some similar exercises, each one has its own nuances for more variety. The stretches are held long enough to release tension and increase flexibility. You will see noticeable improvement, if you practice 2-4 times/week (or at least portions of the classes several times a week. By the end of class, you go into your day feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.
Upon successful completion of each course session, you will receive a Continuing Education Certificate (via email) in Flexibility Training. Or upon enrollment checkout, you may elect to audit the course (foregoing the certification), by not fulfilling the requirements for certification. With either option, you have the freedom to study, practice and reference the classes and choreography at your leisure. There are no pre-requisites. Though practicing the Stretch and Adoration video is recommended.

PILATES TRAINING TRACK - The Pilates Course includes a series of 5 - 8 full classes (depending on which course you choose). They are approx. 35-45 minutes each. Pastor Lynn slowly and gently leads you through a series of core strengthening exercises designed to increase strength (and some flexibility) primarily in core muscle groups (abs/thighs/back) and some minor ones. While most classes have similar exercises, each session you will work toward a better understanding of the technique. You will see noticeable improvement, if you practice 2-4 times/week (or at least portions of the class several times a week. By the end of class, you go into your day feeling rejuvenated, and walking taller with better posture.
Upon successful completion of each course session, you will receive a Continuing Education Certificate (via email) in Pilates Training. Or upon enrollment checkout, you may elect to audit the course (foregoing the certification), by not fulfilling the requirements for certification. With either option, you have the freedom to study, practice and reference the classes and choreography at your leisure. There are no pre-requisites. Though practicing the Stretch and Adoration video is recommended.

PURPOSEFUL PAGEANTRY TRACK - MOVEMENT WITH WORSHIP TOOLS - In these courses, you will learn and practice some basic fundamentals of pageantry, with scriptural understanding and use of flags/banners; veils; billows; streamers; and tambourines. This will, in partnership with the Holy Spirit, stimulate creativity, enhancing your movement vocabulary and choreography ideas when using these tools in spontaneous worship dance or choreography.
Upon successful completion of each course session, you will receive a Continuing Education Certificate (via email) in Purposeful Pageantry Training. Or upon enrollment checkout, you may elect to audit the course (foregoing the certification), by not fulfilling the requirements for certification. With either option, you have the freedom to study, practice and reference the classes and choreography at your leisure. There are no pre-requisites.

DIVINE CHOREOGRAPHY & DANCE COMPOSITION/CREATING DANCES FOR WORSHIP - In this course, you will learn and practice some basic fundamentals of Choreography Technique and Dance Composition. This course will teach you how to choreograph by helping you explore movement possibilities, enhancing your God-given creativity and choreographic flow. These practice exercises will help you to think creatively, while uniquely developing choreography skill. You will never look at choreography or dance composition the same again. You will gain the confidence you need to create dances for our King!
Upon successful completion of each course session, you will receive a Continuing Education Certificate (via email) in Divine Choreography & Dance Composition. Or upon enrollment checkout, you may elect to audit the course (foregoing the certification), by not fulfilling the requirements for certification. With either option, you have the freedom to study, practice and reference the classes and choreography at your leisure. There are no pre-requisites.

FOUNDATIONS IN FAITH - Join us as we examine the foundational truths of our faith: What does it mean to be redeemed? What is the Bible? Does God have a purpose for my life and can I discover it? What is God like? Who is Jesus and what did He do? As we focus our hearts and minds on essential truth, the God of all truth progressively conforms us to His heart and mind. This is, after all, the goal of discipleship — to become like our Lord.
Upon successful completion of the course, you'll receive a certificate of completion for Biblical and Artistic Studies. The purpose of the School of the Bible is to assist you in the disciplined study of Scriptural truth and to encourage you as you express truth through artistic creativity — learning truth and translating truth into creative expression. Though not required, it is recommended that you complete Level 2 of the DFH school, before going on to School of the Bible school, Foundations in Faith.
THE PERSON AND MINISTRY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT - Because the Holy Spirit is God and shares in all attributes of Deity, He is therefore infinite and can pour Himself into a million vessels performing a million ministries and not be diminished. Yet for all His presence and activity, we tend to have only a vague concept of God the Holy Spirit. Our objective in this course is to examine the person and ministry of the Third Person of the Trinity so that we may know Him better and fellowship with Him more truly.
Upon successful completion of the course, you'll receive a certificate of completion for Biblical and Artistic Studies. The purpose of the School of the Bible is to assist you in the disciplined study of Scriptural truth and to encourage you as you express truth through artistic creativity — learning truth and translating truth into creative expression. Though not required, it is recommended that you complete Level 2 of the DFH school, before going on to School of the Bible school, The Person and Ministry of the Holy Spirit.
GENESIS STUDY- Genesis means beginnings. Join us as we walk through the beginning of creation, the Fall of man and the beginning of the great redemption story. Watch as the story is played out through the lives of people like us — Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Leah and Rachel and their sons, climaxing with the story of Joseph who suffered that others could live. All the great themes of the Bible are present here in this Book of Beginnings.
Upon successful completion of the course, you'll receive a certificate of completion for Biblical and Artistic Studies. The purpose of the School of the Bible is to assist you in the disciplined study of Scriptural truth and to encourage you as you express truth through artistic creativity — learning truth and translating truth into creative expression. Though not required, it is recommended that you complete Level 2 of the DFH school, before going on to School of the Bible. Also, while not required, it is recommended that you complete Foundations in Faith before going on to the Genesis study. This course will be done over two years. Register for year 1 and have access the second year.
HOSEA STUDY - Hosea received one of the greatest revelations in all of Bible history — Almighty God is also the Bridegroom God who entered history to redeem a Bride. Join us as we listen verse by verse to the Holy One of Israel opening the innermost depths of His heart, calling to His unfaithful Bride.
Upon successful completion of the course, you'll receive a certificate of completion for Biblical and Artistic Studies. The purpose of the School of the Bible is to assist you in the disciplined study of Scriptural truth and to encourage you as you express truth through artistic creativity — learning truth and translating truth into creative expression. Though not required, it is recommended that you complete Level 2 of the DFH school, before going on to School of the Bible. Also, while not required, it is recommended that you complete Foundations in Faith before going on to the any other Biblical study. This course will be done from January 10 through October 24th.
MATTHEW STUDY - The Gospel of Matthew - Descended from Abraham through David, Israel’s long awaited Messiah was born. Matthew tracks His birth, ministry, atoning death, resurrection and ascension, carefully proving that this Jesus is, indeed, the Expected One. But He is our Messiah too and as we walk verse by verse through the story, we see Him more clearly and know Him more truly.
Upon successful completion of the course, you'll receive a certificate of completion for Biblical and Artistic Studies. The purpose of the School of the Bible is to assist you in the disciplined study of Scriptural truth and to encourage you as you express truth through artistic creativity — learning truth and translating truth into creative expression. Though not required, it is recommended that you complete Level 2 of the DFH school, before going on to School of the Bible school, Foundations in Faith.
REVELATION STUDY - From a Roman prison colony the elderly Apostle John watched in stunned amazement as the living God pulled back the curtains of heaven. Walk with us through thunders of praise and explosions of glory. Listen as words of judgment, warning and grace echo from the throne room of the universe. Watch as history moves resolutely toward the fulfillment planned before time began — the Bride Groom Messiah forming a Bride made ready and calling her to Himself.
Upon successful completion of the course, you'll receive a certificate of completion for Biblical and Artistic Studies. The purpose of the School of the Bible is to assist you in the disciplined study of Scriptural truth and to encourage you as you express truth through artistic creativity — learning truth and translating truth into creative expression. Though not required, it is recommended that you complete Level 2 of the DFH school, before going on to School of the Bible. Also, while not required, it is recommended that you complete Foundations in Faith before going on to the any other Biblical study. This course will be done from January 10 through October 24th.
NEHEMIAH STUDY - Nehemiah rebuilt the ruined city of Jerusalem but there is way more to the book than urban renewal. His name means Yahweh’s Comforter and He is a picture of the One whom Jesus promised for the restoring of all whom come to Him in faith. Join us as we track the rebuilding of a city and the rebuilding of a soul.
Upon successful completion of the course, you'll receive a certificate of completion for Biblical and Artistic Studies. The purpose of the School of the Bible is to assist you in the disciplined study of Scriptural truth and to encourage you as you express truth through artistic creativity — learning truth and translating truth into creative expression. Though not required, it is recommended that you complete Level 2 of the DFH school, before going on to School of the Bible. Also, while not required, it is recommended that you complete Foundations in Faith before going on to the any other Biblical study. This course will be done from January 10 through October 24th.
DANIEL STUDY - God gave Daniel prophetic insight not only for the people of his day but stretching forward to the end of time. Join us as we walk verse by verse through the amazing vision of this great man.
Upon successful completion of the course, you'll receive a certificate of completion for Biblical and Artistic Studies. The purpose of the School of the Bible is to assist you in the disciplined study of Scriptural truth and to encourage you as you express truth through artistic creativity — learning truth and translating truth into creative expression. Though not required, it is recommended that you complete Level 2 of the DFH school, before going on to School of the Bible. Also, while not required, it is recommended that you complete Foundations in Faith before going on to the any other Biblical study. This course will be done from January 10 through October 24th.
EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS - Ephesus was the flagship church in Asia Minor and pastored with great devotion for three years by the Apostle Paul. Later, from his prison in Rome, he wrote to his beloved brothers and sisters, emphasizing the union of the risen Christ to His church, the riches of His grace lavished upon us and the surpassing greatness of His power in us in the midst of the warfare of our times. Containing some of the deepest and most profound revelations in all of Scripture, we will be abundantly blessed as we trace Paul’s letter verse by verse.
Upon successful completion of the course, you'll receive a certificate of completion for Biblical and Artistic Studies. The purpose of the School of the Bible is to assist you in the disciplined study of Scriptural truth and to encourage you as you express truth through artistic creativity — learning truth and translating truth into creative expression. Though not required, it is recommended that you complete Level 2 of the DFH school, before going on to School of the Bible. Also, while not required, it is recommended that you complete Foundations in Faith before going on to the any other Biblical study. This course will be done from January 10 through October 24th.
Click on the particular level's link for all the details.
Because Dancing For Him Ministries has been established since 1996 and is widely known throughout the world, its certificate/license carries a lot of weight, giving you the credentials/credibility you need.
There are many comments from previous students below, as well as many more at the bottom of each level's information page. Also, you may listen to and watch some of the video testimonies from students who have either completed level 1 or the entire program. There are more at the bottom of the level 1 and 2 information pages as well.

To pause one of the comments, to read it in its entirety, simply click on the spinning wheel.