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Showing items 9 - 16 of 867 total (Page 2 of 109)
  • Gena
    I so enjoyed the conference!
    DeFuniak Springs
  • Nicole
    I loved the whole conference!
  • Phyllis
    The Dancing for Him graduation Conference is in Jesus Mode! Congratulations to all the graduates. Thank you pastor Lynn Hayden and Pastor Will Boseman for your teaching and impartation this past year!
  • Suzi
    Good morning Pastor Lynn, This retreat/conference was like none other. It seems like each year they keep getting better and better, but the anointing on everything that took place was absolutely powerful. After going through so many activations in the past and knowing there really was not a deep issue for me to deal with, I stepped out in faith to be ministered to. It seemed to turn more into an intercession for all the people that had gone through that issue. I later discovered how another DFH student experienced the same thing and came to that same conclusion after speaking with her husband about it. That was the confirmation we both needed. Praise God, it is all about what He wants to accomplish! Then the next day with the joy and love filled activation we had the opportunity to release our child like faith and experience heaven on earth, in such a safe environment. Absolutely amazing!!! I know God is doing a new thing through your ministry as He is preparing His Bride. He is expanding way beyond in ways we do not know or even understand. This conference has really stirred up a passion in me that I have not felt in a long time towards intercession and the prophetic. I will be contacting our worship arts director and will hopefully be registering not only our flag and dancer teams, but our Watchmen on the Wall team. You and Pastor Will are such a blessing to me and the Kingdom of God. May God so richly bless you both with everything you need and do in every area of your life! Love and blessings,
    New Port Richey
  • Barbara
    Hi Pastor Lynn: I just wanted to take the time to let you know that the retreat was a blessing to be there. That was my second conference. The presence of the Lord and the anointing was felt. I would like to thank you for the opportunity to experience something so great. ..... And as far as the activations go, they were all awesome and the anointing was on them all. Thank you again for letting us (our dance group) be a part of it. Sincerely.
  • Kim
    The feeling of walking into the conference facility, seeing old friends and meeting others for the first time in person was so exhilarating! When I recognized someone and they recognized me when our eyes and spirits met was foreshadowing of our first moments in heaven...and brought heaven right here on earth. It was like the best Thanksgiving dinner where you just couldn’t eat anymore and had to undo your top button just so you wouldn’t explode from the feast. Pastor Wil’s teaching on the Beatitudes and Lynn’s accompanying activation on forgiveness birthed supernatural reconciliation. I feel I have entered a new dimension of His Presence and assigned Kingdom work as a result of being obedient to believe God for every detail it took to get into that room. Thank you for “setting the table and preparing the feast” Wil and Lynn. Much love and respect.
  • Leesa
    This conference is pivotal in igniting my next steps in artistic worship ministry. It has equipped me further to bring a more excellent leadership presence to my region. I see even more and more how God is releasing the revelation of His beauty and creativity for Kingdom building! Thank you Pastor Lynn!
  • Melissa
    I was so blessed by the prophetic worship activation. I truly believed I was touched by the Lord. Thank you Pastor Lynn for coming and being obedient to the Lord. May God continue to bless you!
Showing items 9 - 16 of 867 total (Page 2 of 109)