The Mighty Works of Jesus - Book

The Mighty Works of Jesus - Book
Price: $16.00

The Mighty Works of Jesus - Book Product Description:

Jesus proclaimed the kingdom of God breaking into history and showered what kingdom presence looks like as He exercised authority over nature, healed the sick, broke dmonic oppression, raised the dead, forgave the guilty and bestowed everlasting life on all who believed in Him.

The Mighty Works of Jesus is the second in a series of books on the life and ministry of Jesus. In this book we examine the miraculous, powerful works of Jesus which demonstrated the authority of His words.


Wesley Scott Amos is a pastor and Bible teacher, worship leader and songwriter. In his Parable of the Dancer musicals, the consistent theme is the Beloved's passionate pursuit of His bride and her love for Him.

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Product Reviews - 5/5 from 30 reviews Write A Review

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1 5 out of 5 stars by C. Calhoun on August 31st 2024

Vignettes of God’s Comfort

Length of ownership: more than 1 year

Pros: Each chapter is a short vignette highlighting the underlying spiritual principles behind the miracles of Jesus. I personally gleaned much concerning the compassion and comfort of God.

Cons: none

2 5 out of 5 stars by Sondra S on August 11th 2024

Great Examples of the Authority of Jesus

Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year

Pros: This is a collection of powerful examples displaying the authority of Jesus. Wesly Scott Amos uses a variety of stories, from little to more well-known persons in the bible, as examples of the words and actions of Jesus. An easy-to-read book to help strengthen our faith in God.

3 5 out of 5 stars by Amy H. on September 20th 2023

Wonderful Book!!

Length of ownership: more than 1 year

Pros: I love this book! It goes into detail about the miraculous works of Jesus and gives some great insight on how what happened back then has significant spiritual relevance today!

4 5 out of 5 stars by Carrie on September 8th 2023

Holy Spirit Ilumination

Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year

Pros: Reading this book has greatly helped me to see Jesus with the eyes of my heart. Biblical truths are opened up and revealed in a way that only the Holy Spirit could do!

5 5 out of 5 stars by Corine on October 10th 2022


Length of ownership: more than 1 year

Pros: This book has spoken to situations in my life at the moment and brought insight and strength and alignment my walk with Jesus my Saviour.

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